State of Colorado Flag - Colorado Drone Laws

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Drone Laws in Colorado

Summary of Drone Laws in Colorado

Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of Colorado and USA

Drone Operations in Colorado are regulated.

  • Hobbyist drone flights are allowed
  • Hobbyist drone pilot license may be required for certain operations.
  • A TRUST Test is required.
  • Hobbyist Drone registration is required for hobbyists flying a drone of more than 0.55 lbs.
  • Drone Remote ID is required for hobbyists.
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations

Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in Colorado and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of Colorado and USA

Drone Operations in Colorado are regulated.

  • Commercial drone flights are allowed
  • A commercial drone pilot license is required
  • Commercial Drone registration is required in Colorado
  • Drone Remote ID is required for Commercial Drone Operators.
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for commercial drone operations

Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in Colorado and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Foreign Visitors To Colorado (not USA Residents)

Drone Operations in Colorado are regulated.

  • Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in Colorado
  • Foreign visitor drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required for visitors/tourists
  • Drone Remote ID is required in Colorado for tourists..
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Colorado for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Government Drone Operators

Drone Operations in Colorado are regulated.

  • Government drone flights are allowed in Colorado
  • Government drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required for Government operations
  • Drone Remote ID is required in Colorado for Government operations..
  • Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Colorado for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in the State of Colorado

Drone Regulator in the USA: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Contact Information

If you need additional details we have not covered or specific case assistance, you can contact the FAA directly at:

  • Address: 800 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20591
  • Phone: 844-FLY-MY-UA (+1 844-359-6982) (Some users have indicated that this number tells you to use the email below and hangs up)

Please continue reading for more details on USA Drone Laws.

Link to: Colorado State Laws Register

UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Colorado

Drone operation in the State of Colorado is broadly governed by The Federal USA agency responsible for drone safety, the FAA. Click here for details on FAA USA Drone Laws.

In addition, the Colorado legislature has enacted several supplemental rules specific to Colorado drone operations. The highlights are enumerated below. For more details, go to the links above and search for unmanned aircraft

Are drones allowed in Colorado?

Drones are allowed in Colorado for recreational and commercial use, subject to FAA regulations and flight controls established by local governments. Read on for details.

Specific additional drone use laws by the Colorado State legislature

HB 1070​ – ​Study Drone Use By Public Safety Agencies
The center of excellence within the Department of Public Safety must perform a study. The study must identify ways to integrate UAS within local and state government functions relating to firefighting, search and rescue, accident reconstruction, crime scene documentation, emergency management, and emergencies involving significant property loss, injury, or death. The study must also consider privacy concerns, costs, and timeliness of deployment for each of these uses. The legislation also creates a pilot program, requiring the deployment of at least one team of UAS operators to a region of the state that has been designated as a fire hazard, where they will be trained on the use of UAS for the above-specified functions.

It shall be unlawful to use a drone to search for, scout, or detect wildlife to aid in hunting or taking of wildlife.

For the purposes of this regulation, drones shall be defined as including, without limitation, any contrivance invented, used, or designed for navigation of or flight in the air that is unmanned or guided remotely. A drone may also be referred to as an “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” (UAV) or “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System” (UAVs).

Specific additional UAV laws by local governments within Colorado State

City of Boulder | Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP)

The City of Boulder prohibits recreational drone operations in its Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) or city-managed property outside of designated areas. Exceptions are special permit holders who fly drones for research or other authorized purposes. Some of those may include search and rescue, wildlife management, and public land management.

Village of Cherry Hills | Ordinance No. 13

All drones operating in the Village of Cherry Hills must be FAA registered and adhere to FAA guidelines at all times. It prohibits the flying of UAVs over all city property. That typically includes public buildings, parks, trails, and streets.

City of Denver | Municipal Law

Prohibits all flying objects (including drones) from Denver park facilities outside of designated areas. Drones may be flown in park facility areas designated by the DPR Executive Director for such flying objects, such as a designated model airplane or helicopter flying area, subject to compliance with rules and regulations that may be posted in or near the designated area. There may be exceptions for drones flown at special events or other activities with authorized permits.

Town of Telluride | Municipal Law

Without prior approval, drone operators must NOT fly over the town or privately owned properties. Also, drone pilots must not fly their craft recklessly or in a way potentially dangerous to people and wildlife. The ordinance bans users from operating UAVs while under the influence of mind-altering substances, such as alcohol and marijuana, etc.

UAS operation rules in Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Preserves

Colorado State Parks Regulation #100-c.24 (2018)

The regulation makes flying drones and other UAS in Colorado State parks illegal. The only exceptions are those parks that have designated areas for drone operations.

State Parks that currently have designated areas for drone operations include:

Some state parks may offer Special Use Permits, which are typically for commercial users only. Interested parties should contact Colorado State for updated information.

Specific additional laws in Jurisdictions within Colorado

Many cities or towns within the state of Colorado may have specific restrictions within their jurisdictions. We recommend checking the local jurisdiction for the latest regulations.

What you must know about Colorado No Fly Zones or No Drone Zones

You need to know if you can operate your drone. Under what limitations? Will you need flight authorizations? And, if so, how do you get those authorizations?

We encourage you to read our explainer. It provides more details here: Explainer – What You Must Know About No Fly Zones or No Drone Zones

How do I check for no-fly zones, no-drone zones, and uncontrolled or controlled airspace in Colorado?

The FAA has partnered with several partners to develop B4UFLY mobile apps. Theses app can tell you if there are any airspace restrictions where you want to fly.

If you are looking for a drone no-fly zone map, then B4UFLY is a good place to start.

The app provides situational awareness to recreational flyers and other drone users. You will need airspace authorizations to fly in controlled airspace. This app does not allow you to get airspace authorizations. Authorizations are available through the FAA’s Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC).

The B4UFLY app is available to download for free:

B4UFLY Desktop and Mobile Applications

Approved Service  Provider (click on name to go to website)App on iOSApp on AndroidDesktop
Airspace LinkYesYesYes

How do I get authorization to fly in controlled airspace in Colorado?

The FAA runs Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC). It is the only way to get permission to fly in controlled airspace.

LAANC is available to drone pilots. It applies if you are operating under the Small UAS Rule Part 107. And it applies if you are operating under the exception for Recreational Flyers.

You can get access through one of the FAA-approved LAANC UAS Service Suppliers. Some providers have apps that can be used to apply for approval in near-real time.

The companies above (with B4UFLY capabilities) are also FAA-approved UAS Service Suppliers of the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability.

There are two ways to use LAANC:

  • Submit a near real-time authorization request for operations. Applies to flights under 400 feet in controlled airspace around airports. This is available to Part 107 Pilots and Recreational Flyers.
  • Submit a “further coordination request.” This applies if you need to fly above the designated altitude ceiling in a UAS Facility Map, up to 400 feet.
  • You can apply up to 90 days before a flight. The approval is coordinated manually through the FAA. This is available to Part 107 pilots only.

LAANC is available at 726 airports. Use the manual process to apply for authorizations for airports not offering LAANC.

Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Colorado

If you have a small drone of less than 55 pounds, you can fly recreationally by following Drone Laws in the USA defined by 49 USC 44809.

In Colorado, recreational UAS operations (i.e., flying for recreational purposes) are approved under law, specifically 49 USC 44809. Please check the specific state jurisdiction for additional permissions, licensing, or clearance requirements.

Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Colorado

If you have a small drone that is less than 55 pounds, you can fly recreationally by following the Drone Laws in the USA defined by FAA Part 107 guidelines.

Recreational UAS operations (i.e., flying for recreational purposes) in Colorado are approved under FAA law, specifically Part 107. Please check the specific state jurisdiction for additional permissions, licensing, or clearance requirements.

Following these rules will keep you and your drone safe. And that helps keep the airspace available to everyone.

All recreational flyers must pass an aeronautical knowledge and safety test. The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) meets this rule. If law enforcement or FAA personnel ask, you must provide proof of passage. 

TRUST provides education and testing on important safety and regulatory information. If you fly your drone recreationally under the Exception for Recreational Flyers, you must pass the test before you fly. 

Note: If your drone weighs more than .55 pounds (lbs), you must register your drone through the FAA’s Drone Zone.

For a complete discussion on drone registration, see our Drone Registration Explainer.

To fly your drone as a recreational flyer, it’s as easy as 1-2-3

  1. Understand recreational flying requirements.
    • Note: Non-recreational drone use is when you fly drones for business or to help out, not just for fun. For example, real estate agents may use drones to photograph houses they sell. Roof inspectors might use drones to get a closer look at roofs. A high school might have someone fly a drone to record football games and post videos on their website. Doing volunteer work with drones also counts as non-recreational use. So, non-recreational drone use is any time you operate a drone for useful work. Or help others out. It is when you are not just doing it to enjoy flying it for hobby or sport. If you’re unsure which rules apply to your flight, fly under Part 107 (See below).
    • Visit the Recreational Flyers page to learn about the rules for recreational flyers.
    • Download the FAA’s B4UFLY mobile app for more recreational drone flying resources.
  2. Take TRUST
    • You may take the free online test through any FAA-approved test administrators.
    • All FAA-approved TRUST test administrators offer the test free.
    • All test questions are correctable to 100% before issuing your completion certificate.
    • After completing TRUST, you must download, save, or print your completion certificate.
    • If you lose your certificate, you will need to retake TRUST.
    • View a list of TRUST Test Administrators
  3. Receive your certificate
    • After you pass the test, you will receive a certificate. The test administrator you selected gives you your certificate.
    • Test administrators will not keep a record of your certificate. If law enforcement officers ask, you must present a copy of your certificate.

General Rules for Recreational Flyers

USC44809 is the Exception for Limited Recreational Operations of Unmanned Aircraft. The law describes how, when, and where you can fly drones for recreational purposes. Following these rules helps keep people, your drone, and our airspace safe:

  1. Fly only for recreational purposes (personal enjoyment).
  2. Follow the safety guidelines of an FAA-recognized Community-Based Organization (CBO). Read Advisory Circular 91-57C. It provides more information on how to become an FAA-recognized CBO, 
  3. Keep your drone within the visual line of sight. Or use a visual observer who is physically next to you and directly communicating with you.
  4. Give way to and do not interfere with other aircraft.
  5. Fly at or below FAA-authorized altitudes in controlled airspace with prior FAA authorization. Controlled airspace is Class B, C, D, and surface Class E designated for an airport. Get your FAA authorization using LAANC or DroneZone.
  6. Fly at or below 400 feet in Class G (uncontrolled) airspace. Note: Flying drones in restricted airspace is not allowed. Before the flight, drone pilots should always check for airspace restrictions. You can do so on the B4UFLY app or the UAS Facility Maps webpage.
  7. Take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) and carry proof of test passage when flying.
  8. Have a current FAA registration. Mark (PDF) your drones on the outside with the registration number. And carry proof of registration when flying. Starting September 16, 2023, registered drones must broadcast Remote ID information. The FAA temporarily delayed enforcement to March 16, 2024. That law is now in place and being enforced.
  9. Do not operate your drone in a manner that endangers the safety of the national airspace system.

Recreational drone pilots must not violate safety requirements. Nor should they operate their drone flight carelessly or recklessly. You could be liable for criminal and/or civil penalties if you do.

You do not need a drone license if your drone use is recreational and falls within the scope of 44809. But, to fly your drone commercially, you must first get a Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC). This is also true for flights under the FAA’s Small UAS Rule (Part 107). The RPC is also known as a drone license or a Part 107 certificate. You may want to get your drone license for the flexibility it allows in your drone flights.

For more details on drone licensing, please see our Drone License Explainer.

It is recommended that recreational drone operators consult the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations on the proper use of recreational drones and use common sense when operating these devices around crowded public areas, wildlife, or historic resources.

Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in Colorado

If you have a small drone that is less than 55 pounds, you can fly for work or business by following the Drone Laws in the USA defined by FAA Part 107 guidelines.

Commercial drone operations in Colorado State are approved under the FAA Part 107. Please check the specific state jurisdiction for additional permissions, licensing, or clearance requirements.

For a complete review of the FAA Part 107 regulation, please see our comprehensive FAA 107 Explainer.

Note: The Operations Over People rule became effective on April 21, 2021. Drone pilots operating under Part 107 may fly at night, over people and moving vehicles without a waiver as long as they meet the requirements defined in the rule. Airspace authorizations are still required for night operations in controlled airspace under 400 feet.

If you have a small drone of fewer than 55 pounds, you can fly for work or business by following the Part 107 guidelines. There are three main steps to fly under Part 107 rules.

Step 1: Learn the Rules

Ensure you understand what is and is not allowed under Part 107 rules.

If you are unsure if Part 107 rules work for you and your intended operation, check our user identification tool.

Some operations will need a waiver. Here are the regulations specified in §107.205 that are subject to waiver:

Learn more about Part 107 Waivers.

Drone operators should avoid flying near airports. It is difficult for crewed aircraft to see and avoid a drone while flying. Remember that the drone operator must avoid manned aircraft. You are responsible for any safety hazard your drone creates in an airport environment.

Step 2: Become an FAA-Certified Drone Pilot by Passing the Knowledge Test

For more details on drone licensing, please see our Drone License Explainer.

To be eligible to get your Remote Pilot Certificate, you must be:

  • At least 16 years old
  • Able to read, write, speak, and understand English
  • Be in a physical and mental condition to safely fly a UAS

Study for the Knowledge Test

Get an FAA Tracking Number (FTN)

Schedule an Appointment

Complete FAA Form 8710-13

Step 3: Register your Drone with the FAA

For a complete discussion on drone registration, see our Drone Registration Explainer.

Registration costs $5 and is valid for three years. You’ll need a credit or debit card and the make and model of your drone handy to register. Learn more about registering your drone.

  • Create an account and register your drone at FAADroneZone. Select “Fly sUAS under Part 107.”
  • Once you’ve registered, mark your drone (PDF) with your registration number. The number will be helpful in case it gets lost or stolen.

Useful published information on flying drones in Colorado

We have partnered with the FAA and other drone enthusiasts in supporting an internet educational campaign called Know Before You Fly. The tips, pointers, and resources apply to Colorado Drone Users also. Please visit the site for additional information: Know Before You Fly

Authoritative Sources of Information on Colorado Drone Laws

We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:

NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.

Find out why

We think you must use a Drone Preflight Checklist

And a Drone Post-flight checklist

Free Drone Flight Checklist PDF

This Drone Flight Checklist is better than others.

It’s free!

It includes both the preflight checklist and post-flight checklist

It’s an easy-to-use printable PDF that covers all your bases.

Traveling with a Drone?

Click here to read our Comprehensive Guide For Traveling With A Drone.


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29 responses to “Drone Laws in Colorado”

  1. Brandon

    55 lbs or .55 maybe clarify this?

    Invasion of privacy…maybe clarify Google street views and satellite fly overs?

    1. Editorial Team

      Drones below .55 lbs used recreationally only do not require registration.
      All drones regardless of weight used for commercail purposes must be registered.
      Drones below 250g are exempt from remote-id requirements.
      Drones above 55 lbs are under a special regulation not covered here.

      Regarding privacy, the FAA drone laws do not specifically address those, local regulations do.
      Thanks for your comment.

  2. Stacey M.

    There’s a couple of drones that fly around where I live. While enjoying my hot tub in the middle of the night I watched one move from one spot in the sky to directly above me and stayed there for almost two hours while i was in the hot tub. It moved when I went inside. Is that some kind of invasion of privacy or just someone being a perv?

    1. Editorial Team

      Sounds like invasion of privacy. Document these events and contact your local law enforcement.

    2. Brad Boyer

      first of all, drones can’t fly or two hours lmao. you can get up to 30-40 minutes flight time before the battery dies. It is also called ‘navicitable airspace’, like any other aircraft. Therefore, flying over private property is LEGAL as long as they are not filming you or flying directly over you. You would have to have proof of vidoes FROM the drone showing it was filming you before it is illegal. I am a FAA commercial drone pilot.

      1. Editorial Team

        Brad, you are technically correct. However, we can not think of many legitimate commercial or hobbyist flights allowed to hover over someone’s hot tub at night, even for 15 to 30 minutes (which most drones are capable of). However, even if the flight is legal within FAA rules, it can still violate privacy rules.
        Commercial drone operations have been slow to develop precisely because of the FAA’s fears of privacy violations by bad operators. This person is probably not a commercial drone operator. Remote ID will help allay those fears as it makes it easier to identify who was operating and whether they had a legitimate mission.

  3. Becky

    I get it, that a drone can legally fly over private property, but what about when they are photographing private property like your back porch, that’s isn’t visible to the public view? What are the statutes on this?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Please check if there are any privacy regulations in your area that covers this.

  4. Kristopher L Thompson

    There has been a drone in our neighborhood flying at night looking in our home and neighbor’s home windows…hovering snd going around houses for minutes upon minutes at a time… my neighbor has noticed and watched with binoculars it happening to my house, and other houses behind us. There was a HUGE meth bust in our neighborhood a few months ago – H U G E – and we are weirded out about it all. I understand recreational and hobby drone usage, but what we’ve seen seems much more than ‘just a quick fly by.’ We live on an area with 5 acre parcels. Please advise on next steps for us to walk…do see above taking pictures is a good start…I’m wanting to put up a ‘warning’ sign in our bedroom windows at night BUUUT T am thinking this’ll encourage the brown hole down under ‘pilot’ to be more of a smelly pest.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Please contact your local law enforcement

  5. Steven

    The FAA is the only organization allowed to govern airspace, cities cannot legally enact a drone ordinance. As long as the pilot is following FAA guidelines, they are legally allowed to fly.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Steven, that is correct, subject to the operator not operating unsafely or violating the privacy rights that may be enshrined in the law.

  6. Dennis

    It is completely legal to fly a recreational drone over residential houses daily? Of course the noise is grating on one’s nerves. Constant shrill. Have to close windows while I am home. But probably not much you can do about that – people are just rude af these days. The main concern is – how is it lawful to invade people’s property rights and privacy rights on a daily basis for 2 hours? Do we contact the FAA to put up regulations to stop this?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Dennis, we suggest you contact your local regulators. Depending on your location, there are ordinances that prohibit nuisance/privacy infringements

      1. Kerri-Lynn

        Every single city in the USA that has created “laws” against drones has been struck down in court. Cities to NOT get the option of regulating airspace. ANYONE can fly over ANYONE’s land, period. End of Story. Taking off, operating and/or landing is another thing. But you cannot take a legal activity like flying a drone, and turn it into a crime by calling it a privacy issue. That is complete non-sense. The “laws” by Telluride for example is a joke and not lawful. ANYONE can go stand in Telluride and fly their drone legally over private property. I would love that town to cite me for that!

        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          We share the laws that exist and advocate for drone operators to operate safely and within the law. When the laws are struck down, we are happy to update the specific page, all we ask is a specific link to validate the law was struck down (in case we can’t find it ourselves).

          1. Douglas Jara

            Can you point a Lazer at a drone

          2. Merlin at Drone Laws

            It is illegal to interfere with drones. If pointing the laser is intended to disrupt the communication, you are violating a federal law.

    2. Jeffrey Wagner

      It is perfectly legal for a UAS pilot to fly over your property. Generally speaking, the FAA is the sole entity for control of all air space within the US. The homeowner may not interfere with any aircraft in transit. There is NO specific height established as airspace begins at ground level.
      Here is a link with more data.
      Now, that being said, does it make it morally right that I can fly my drone over your house at a relatively low altitude? Yes, if I am conducting a flight for you under the rules of 107. No, for practically all other reasons. There is an expectation of personal privacy. It is not illegal, but it is immoral. Licensed UAS pilots would be among the first to condemn a rogue pilot for those actions. Some people would say “shoot it down”! DON’T!!! A drone is an aircraft under the FAA rules and federal laws. To shoot down a UAS, is a criminal act and may come back to bite you on the t*sh! Photograph and report. It is morally wrong to fly a drone for purpose of spying in windows of homes.

  7. Mike

    I’m a bit confused. In one sentence it mentions 55lbs then in another it says .55 (250g). Are there 2 different standards or is this a type?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Mike, Drones below 55lbs are approved for recreational or commercial flights following the rules.
      If the drone is below .55 (250g) and used recreationally, it does not need to be registered. If it’s more than .55 but less than 55 it must be registered before a recreational flight. All drones used for commercial flights must be registered.
      Hope that helps.

      1. Vic Moss

        You need a bit more detail here. If a drone is <.55lbs and only flown recreationally, then you don't need to register it.

        Any drone flown under 14 CFR Part 107 must be individually registered, no matter the weight.

        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          Clarified. Thanks

  8. Louis Ossolw

    I would like to see the ban apply to ranches that have Conservation easements on them as well!

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Please contact and discuss with your local regulators.

  9. aa anon

    I can’t fly a drone within 35 miles of my house. All city, county, state parks are off limits. All otherwise public spaces such as the University, the natural areas, and open spaces have banned drones. Seems anyone with a pencil has taken up the “no drone” attitude. I pay taxes, I should be able to use the spaces I help pay for.

    1. Kluas

      I’m curious how that Telluride law applies. If you’re taking off / operating / landing on your own property, the FAA governs the airspace and trumps anything local ordinances would try and dictate.

      1. GMonnomnomnonm

        Is your property recognized by the city as an area approved for take-off and landing of drones? Yes the city has some controls they can put in place especially if they invoke “public safety”. At that point just give up.

        1. Kerri-Lynn

          Laws that try to make a lawful activity a crime are unconstitutional. You cannot use “public safety” to make a law banning all Ford cars in your town because there was a recall and you are concerned for “public safety”. same for legal drone operations. Can you image a city using “public safety” to make roofers replacing a roof an illegal activity? Something might fly off the roof and hurt someone! I would love for any city to charge me for that, good luck.

Leave a Reply to Jeffrey Wagner Cancel reply

29 thoughts on “Drone Laws in Colorado”

    • Drones below .55 lbs used recreationally only do not require registration.
      All drones regardless of weight used for commercail purposes must be registered.
      Drones below 250g are exempt from remote-id requirements.
      Drones above 55 lbs are under a special regulation not covered here.

      Regarding privacy, the FAA drone laws do not specifically address those, local regulations do.
      Thanks for your comment.

  1. There’s a couple of drones that fly around where I live. While enjoying my hot tub in the middle of the night I watched one move from one spot in the sky to directly above me and stayed there for almost two hours while i was in the hot tub. It moved when I went inside. Is that some kind of invasion of privacy or just someone being a perv?

    • first of all, drones can’t fly or two hours lmao. you can get up to 30-40 minutes flight time before the battery dies. It is also called ‘navicitable airspace’, like any other aircraft. Therefore, flying over private property is LEGAL as long as they are not filming you or flying directly over you. You would have to have proof of vidoes FROM the drone showing it was filming you before it is illegal. I am a FAA commercial drone pilot.

      • Brad, you are technically correct. However, we can not think of many legitimate commercial or hobbyist flights allowed to hover over someone’s hot tub at night, even for 15 to 30 minutes (which most drones are capable of). However, even if the flight is legal within FAA rules, it can still violate privacy rules.
        Commercial drone operations have been slow to develop precisely because of the FAA’s fears of privacy violations by bad operators. This person is probably not a commercial drone operator. Remote ID will help allay those fears as it makes it easier to identify who was operating and whether they had a legitimate mission.

  2. I get it, that a drone can legally fly over private property, but what about when they are photographing private property like your back porch, that’s isn’t visible to the public view? What are the statutes on this?

  3. There has been a drone in our neighborhood flying at night looking in our home and neighbor’s home windows…hovering snd going around houses for minutes upon minutes at a time… my neighbor has noticed and watched with binoculars it happening to my house, and other houses behind us. There was a HUGE meth bust in our neighborhood a few months ago – H U G E – and we are weirded out about it all. I understand recreational and hobby drone usage, but what we’ve seen seems much more than ‘just a quick fly by.’ We live on an area with 5 acre parcels. Please advise on next steps for us to walk…do see above taking pictures is a good start…I’m wanting to put up a ‘warning’ sign in our bedroom windows at night BUUUT T am thinking this’ll encourage the brown hole down under ‘pilot’ to be more of a smelly pest.

  4. The FAA is the only organization allowed to govern airspace, cities cannot legally enact a drone ordinance. As long as the pilot is following FAA guidelines, they are legally allowed to fly.

    • Steven, that is correct, subject to the operator not operating unsafely or violating the privacy rights that may be enshrined in the law.

  5. It is completely legal to fly a recreational drone over residential houses daily? Of course the noise is grating on one’s nerves. Constant shrill. Have to close windows while I am home. But probably not much you can do about that – people are just rude af these days. The main concern is – how is it lawful to invade people’s property rights and privacy rights on a daily basis for 2 hours? Do we contact the FAA to put up regulations to stop this?

    • Dennis, we suggest you contact your local regulators. Depending on your location, there are ordinances that prohibit nuisance/privacy infringements

      • Every single city in the USA that has created “laws” against drones has been struck down in court. Cities to NOT get the option of regulating airspace. ANYONE can fly over ANYONE’s land, period. End of Story. Taking off, operating and/or landing is another thing. But you cannot take a legal activity like flying a drone, and turn it into a crime by calling it a privacy issue. That is complete non-sense. The “laws” by Telluride for example is a joke and not lawful. ANYONE can go stand in Telluride and fly their drone legally over private property. I would love that town to cite me for that!

        • We share the laws that exist and advocate for drone operators to operate safely and within the law. When the laws are struck down, we are happy to update the specific page, all we ask is a specific link to validate the law was struck down (in case we can’t find it ourselves).

    • Dennis,
      It is perfectly legal for a UAS pilot to fly over your property. Generally speaking, the FAA is the sole entity for control of all air space within the US. The homeowner may not interfere with any aircraft in transit. There is NO specific height established as airspace begins at ground level.
      Here is a link with more data.
      Now, that being said, does it make it morally right that I can fly my drone over your house at a relatively low altitude? Yes, if I am conducting a flight for you under the rules of 107. No, for practically all other reasons. There is an expectation of personal privacy. It is not illegal, but it is immoral. Licensed UAS pilots would be among the first to condemn a rogue pilot for those actions. Some people would say “shoot it down”! DON’T!!! A drone is an aircraft under the FAA rules and federal laws. To shoot down a UAS, is a criminal act and may come back to bite you on the t*sh! Photograph and report. It is morally wrong to fly a drone for purpose of spying in windows of homes.

  6. I’m a bit confused. In one sentence it mentions 55lbs then in another it says .55 (250g). Are there 2 different standards or is this a type?

    • Mike, Drones below 55lbs are approved for recreational or commercial flights following the rules.
      If the drone is below .55 (250g) and used recreationally, it does not need to be registered. If it’s more than .55 but less than 55 it must be registered before a recreational flight. All drones used for commercial flights must be registered.
      Hope that helps.

  7. I can’t fly a drone within 35 miles of my house. All city, county, state parks are off limits. All otherwise public spaces such as the University, the natural areas, and open spaces have banned drones. Seems anyone with a pencil has taken up the “no drone” attitude. I pay taxes, I should be able to use the spaces I help pay for.

    • I’m curious how that Telluride law applies. If you’re taking off / operating / landing on your own property, the FAA governs the airspace and trumps anything local ordinances would try and dictate.

      • Is your property recognized by the city as an area approved for take-off and landing of drones? Yes the city has some controls they can put in place especially if they invoke “public safety”. At that point just give up.

        • Laws that try to make a lawful activity a crime are unconstitutional. You cannot use “public safety” to make a law banning all Ford cars in your town because there was a recall and you are concerned for “public safety”. same for legal drone operations. Can you image a city using “public safety” to make roofers replacing a roof an illegal activity? Something might fly off the roof and hurt someone! I would love for any city to charge me for that, good luck.


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