Ireland Flag - Ireland Drone Laws

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Drone Laws in Ireland

Summary of Drone Laws in Ireland

Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of Ireland

Drone Operations in Ireland are currently regulated.

  • Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in Ireland
  • Hobbyist Ireland drone pilot license is required
  • Hobbyist Drone registration is required in Ireland for hobbyists flying over 250g or drone with a camera
  • Drone Remote ID is generally required in Ireland (except in some classes C0, C4 with no RID)
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations in Ireland

Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in Ireland and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of Ireland

Drone Operations in Ireland are currently regulated.

  • Commercial drone flights are allowed in Ireland
  • Commercial Ireland drone pilot license is required
  • Commercial Drone registration is required in Ireland for commercial drone operators
  • Drone Remote ID is generally required in Ireland (except in some classes C0, C4 with no RID)
  • Drone Insurance is required for commercial drone operations in Ireland

Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in Ireland and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Visitors To Ireland

Drone Operations in Ireland are currently regulated.

  • Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in Ireland
  • Foreign visitor drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required in Ireland for visitors/tourists (unless previously registered in EASA)
  • Drone Remote ID is generally required in Ireland (except in some classes C0, C4 with no RID)
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in Ireland

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Ireland for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Government Drone Operators in Ireland

Drone Operations in Ireland are currently regulated.

  • Government drone flights are allowed in Ireland
  • Government drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required in Ireland for Government operations
  • Drone Remote ID is generally required in Ireland (except in some classes C0, C4 with no RID)
  • Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations in Ireland

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Ireland for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in the Republic of Ireland

Ireland Drone Regulator: Irish Aviation Authority (IAA)

EU Nations Drone Regulator and Regulations: European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

For a full explanation of EASA regulations simplified, please read our explainer: The rules for drone flyers in the European Union (Europe Drone Laws Simplified)

Contact Information

If you need additional details we have not covered or specific case help, contact the Aviation Authority at:

  • Address: The Times Building, 11-12 D’Olier Street, Dublin 2, D02 T449 Ireland
  • Phone: +353 1 603 1100
  • Email: general inquiries – | For registration – | For licensing –

Please continue reading for more details on Drone Laws.

UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Ireland

The Ireland agency responsible for drone safety, IAA, has provided several internet-accessible details on flying for fun or work. The highlights of Ireland Drone Rules are outlined below. For more details, go to the link above.

Flying and operating drones in Ireland is subject to European Union Regulation 2019/947, which the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) supervises and implements.

According to the level of risk involved, this new legal framework will introduce three categories of drone operations: Open, Specific and Certified

Are drones allowed in Ireland?

According to IAA, drones are allowed in Ireland, subject to IAA and EASA regulations. Read on for details.

Categories of Allowed Drone Flights in Ireland:

Drone flights in Ireland are allowed in three categories defined by the level of risk associated with drone flights or operations. Whether you are a resident of Ireland or a visitor, you must operate within the limitations and follow the rules and procedures of the category in which your drone operation qualifies:

Open Category

Given the low level of risk, neither prior authorization by the competent authority nor a declaration by the drone operator is required. The drone’s total takeoff mass must be less than 25kg, and it must be operated within a visual line of sight at a maximum altitude of 120m.

Specific Category

Considering the moderate level of risk involved, flights in this category require authorization before the operation. The permission is given considering the mitigation measures identified in an operational risk assessment, except in specific standard scenarios where an operator declaration is sufficient.

Certified Category

Given the inherent dangers, the drone must be certified and piloted by a licensed remote pilot. If your drone can carry people, you fall under the Certified category!

The most common rules to know for flying a drone in Ireland:

The ‘open’ category is the main reference for most leisure drone and low-risk commercial activities in European countries.

Subcategories of Open Category Drones

The ‘open’ category is, in turn, subdivided into three sub-categories – A1, A2, A3 — which may be summarised as follows:

  • A1: fly over people but not over assemblies of people
  • A2: fly close to people
  • A3: fly far from people

Each subcategory comes with its own set of requirements. Therefore, in the ‘open’ category, it is important to identify the subcategory of operation your activities will fall under to determine which rules apply to you and the training the remote pilot needs to undertake.

If you comply with the relevant requirements of the subcategories (A1, A2, and A3), no operational authorization is required before starting a flight.

Conditions required to avoid authorization

The following conditions must be met:

  • The drone operator has to be registered.

EU residents: Please register in the EU member state of your main residence (or principal place of business), and contact the Aviation Authority in your member state for further details.

Non-EU residents: Please register in the EU member state where you intend to operate your drone first. If the first drone operation will take place in Ireland, please register as an operator here.

  • All operated drones need sufficient insurance coverage.

Each country might have a different limit. For example, in Ireland, you must ensure the coverage is at least 1m EUR and your insurance is valid in Ireland.

  • The drone pilot needs proof of competency.

Depending on the subcategory of your drone operation (see table below), you need a certificate for A1/A3 and additionally A2.

  • The drone must always be in a visual line of sight (VLOS).
  • The drone is flown at no more than 120 meters above ground level.
  • The drone must not carry any dangerous goods or drop any material.

Open Category Since January 1, 2024

Starting from January 1, 2024, operations in the open category must be conducted either with a drone bearing a C0, C1, C2, C3, or C4 class identification label or privately built or even without a class identification label, but only if placed on the market before December 31, 2023.

The markings look like this:

C0 Drone Class LabelC1 Drone Class LabelC2 Drone Class LabelC3 Drone Class LabelC4 Drone Class Label
easa drone c0 marking easa drone c1 marking easa drone c2 marking easa drone c3 marking easa drone c4 marking

If you are in the market, buy a drone with your desired marking. Choose one with the markings for the operations you will conduct.

For your benefit, here is a list of the currently available drones with class identification labels:

ClassCompanyTypeModel NameModel Numbers

easa drone c0 marking
DJIMulti-rotorDJI Mini 2 SE
DJI Mini 3, Mini 3 Pro, Mini 4 Pro Fly More Combo

easa drone c1 marking
DJIMulti-rotorAIR 3, DJI MAVIC 3 V2.0, Cine V2.0, ClassicEB3WBC , L2AA, L2PA, L2C
easa drone c2 marking AgEagleFixed-wingSENSEFLY eBeeSENSEFLY EBEE X, GEO,
easa drone c2 marking
easa drone c3 marking Quantum-SystemsFixed-wingTrinity F90+R10
easa drone c3 marking DJI Multi-rotor Matrice 350 RTKM350 RTK

Open Category From January 1, 2024

You will be able to operate them as described in the table below.

Be aware that ‘privately built’ means that you built the drone for your own personal use, so it was not purchased; it does not refer to UASs assembled from sets of parts placed on the market as a single, ready-to-assemble kit.

After 1 January 2024, if you have purchased a drone before that date without a class identification label, you will still be able to fly it in subcategory A1 if it weighs up to 250g or in subcategory A3 if it weighs up to 25kg.

Drone CategoryOperation SubcategoryOperational RestrictionsDrone Operator RegistrationRemote Pilot CompetenceRemote Pilot Minimum Age
Privately Built and Drones bought before 1/1/24 (under 250 g)A1 (fly over people, but not assemblies) – can also fly in Subcategory A3May fly over uninvolved people (should be avoided when possible)

No flight over assemblies of people
Not required unless a camera or sensor is on board and the drone is not a toyNo Training requiredNo minimum age
C0 (under 250 gram)A1 (fly over people, but not assemblies) – can also fly in Subcategory A3No flight expected over uninvolved people (if it happens, overflight should be minimized)

No flight over assemblies of people

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
Not required unless a camera or sensor is on board and the drone is not a toyNo flight expected over uninvolved people (if it happens, overflight should be minimized)

No flight over assemblies of people

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state). No minimum age if the drone is a toy
C1 (under 900 gram)A1 (fly over people, but not assemblies) – can also fly in Subcategory A3No flight expected over uninvolved people (if it happens, overflight should be minimised)

No flight over assemblies of people

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state
C2 (under 4 kg)A2 (fly close to people) – can also fly in Subcategory A3Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 30 m from uninvolved people (can be reduced to 5 m if the low-speed function is activated)

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ’Remote pilot certificate of competency’ for A2 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Having a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory 

Conducting and declare a practical self-training

Passing an additional theoretical exam at the NAA or proctored online
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
C3 (under 25 kg)A3 (fly far from people)Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 150 m from uninvolved people and urban areas

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level.
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for the A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
C4 (under 25 kg)A3 (fly far from people)Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 150 m from uninvolved people and urban areas.

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level.
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for the A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
Privately Built and Drones bought before 1/1/24 (under 25 kg)A3 (fly far from people)Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 150 m from uninvolved people and urban areas.

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level.
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for the A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
Table of EASA Open Category Classification and Operational Requirements in place from January 1, 2024

From 1 January 2024, all drones operating in the specific category and all drones with class marks operating in the open category will be required to operate with an active and up-to-date remote identification system.

Drones with class identification label C1, C2, C3, C5 and C6 are already equipped with a remote identification system.

For details on the EASA Category as of January 2024, please see the Open Category Explainer.


According to European Regulation (EU) 2019/947, registration is mandatory for UAS operators (not for UAS themselves).

The UAS Pilot, also known as the Remote Pilot (RP), is the person physically behind the UAS flight controls. They are fully responsible for the safety of the flight throughout operations.

The UAS Operator is the person or company who oversees operations and gives flight instructions. This person or legal entity bears all responsibility for the operations of the drone (s) on their behalf. Very often, in the OPEN category and as individuals, the Pilot and the Operator are the same person.

How to register as a drone pilot or operator in Ireland?

The operator registration procedure begins at the online IAA registration link

This UAS operator registration number is valid for one year and must, therefore, be renewed periodically following the same procedure. The operator always uses the same number unless it is permanently deregistered from the register.

Who should register?

As part of the OPEN category, registration is compulsory for operators:

  • UAS that have a mass of 250 g or more; 
  • UAS that have a mass of less than 250 g but:
    • can operate at speeds greater than 90km / h 
    • are equipped with a camera or a microphone, if these UAS are NOT toys * 

* A UAS is a toy when a manufacturer intends it for children under the age of 14 and meets the minimum safety criteria required to be so named. Compliance with these standards naturally limits the capabilities of the UAS (size, weight, non-dangerous spare parts, no powerful motor, etc.): see Directive 2009/48 / EC of 18 June 2009 on the safety of toys

Under the SPECIFIC category, registration is compulsory for all operators.

Natural persons can only register in the country where they reside.

Legal persons must register in the country where their principal place of business is located.

Registration can only be done in one Member State at a time.

Drone Insurance Ireland – Compulsory for Commercial

Attention: For the operation of a drone in Ireland, insurance is recommended for hobbyists but required for commercial drone operations. Your insurance coverage must be at least 1m EUR.

Note for foreign drone operators visiting Ireland

Whether you are a resident of Ireland or a visitor, you must operate within the limitations and follow the rules and procedures of the category in which your drone operation qualifies above.

EU Resident Visitors (Countries following EASA regulations)

  • If you are previously registered or have a remote pilot certificate in your home country or another EASA member state, then your registration and RPC are valid in Ireland. Follow the operational rules for your category of drone flight.
  • If you have not been registered or have a remote pilot certificate previously, you will need to do so in your home country or Ireland before conducting flights (depending on the category of drone flight you wish to undertake).

Operator Registration (Non-EU Residents)

  • If you are coming from a non-EU country and this is the first time you will fly your drone in an EU country, you MUST register as an Operator.
  • Upon registration, you will receive a unique Operator Registration number, which you MUST attach to your drone. If you have several drones, the same number must be attached to all of them.
  • You are not allowed to fly in NO FLY ZONES, and you must keep a minimum of 8km distance from airports/heliports.
  • If you have already conducted operations in another EU country before going to Ireland, you must not register again. You always register to the first non-EU country you have conducted flights.

Remote Pilot Certificate (Non-EU Residents)

  • If you want to fly your drone in Ireland and live in a non-EU country, you must hold a Remote Pilot Certificate issued from an EU country.
  • You can get the A1/A3 Certificate by registering with the online Remote Pilot School.
  • The online training and exam are required for those who want to fly a drone in the ‘Open’ category in subcategories A1/A3.
  • The pass mark is 75%, and you have 3 tries in total to pass.
  • Once you pass your exam, you will receive your remote pilot certificate. Its validity will be 5 years.
  • You must have your Remote Pilot Certificate in your possession whenever you plan to perform drone operations in Ireland and present it when asked by the authorities

Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Ireland

The most common drone flights you will undertake will most likely be covered by the Open Category described above.

For more details on the Open Category, please see our Open Category Explainer.

If your flights cannot be operated within the limitations of the Open Category, you may need to follow the Specific Category or Certified Category Rules.

For more details on the Specific Category, please see our Specific Category Explainer.

The Certified Category is complicated and aimed at the most sophisticated drone operators. We recommend you start at this EASA page.

Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in Ireland

The most common drone flights you will undertake will most likely be covered by the Open Category described above.

For more details on the Open Category, please see our Open Category Explainer.

If your flights cannot be operated within the limitations of the Open Category, you may need to follow the Specific Category or Certified Category Rules.

For more details on the Specific Category, please see our Specific Category Explainer.

The Certified Category is complicated and aimed at the most sophisticated drone operators. We recommend you start at this EASA page.

What you must know about Ireland No Fly Zones or No Drone Zones

You need to know if you can operate your drone. Under what limitations? Will you need flight authorizations? And, if so, how do you get those authorizations?

We encourage you to read our explainer. It provides more details here: Explainer – What You Must Know About No Fly Zones or No Drone Zones

We provide links to where you can fly a drone below (Ireland Drone Map).

Useful published information on flying drones in Ireland

Here is a sample of what you might expect if you follow the drone laws and fly in Ireland…

Authoritative Sources of Information on Ireland Drone Laws

We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:

NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.

Find out why

We think you must use a Drone Preflight Checklist

And a Drone Post-flight checklist

Free Drone Flight Checklist PDF

This Drone Flight Checklist is better than others.

It’s free!

It includes both the preflight checklist and post-flight checklist

It’s an easy-to-use printable PDF that covers all your bases.

Traveling with a Drone?

Click here to read our Comprehensive Guide For Traveling With A Drone.


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29 responses to “Drone Laws in Ireland”

  1. John

    A stranger was flying his drone over my and my neighbours back gardens at approx 10 metres height, hovering and pointing at our houses. We did not give permission nor do we know the operator, who was parked in the road at the front of the houses. Is this legal in Ireland?

    1. Editorial Team

      John, many drone flights are legal within Ireland, if the operators follow the rules. There may be specific rules against privacy violations that prohibit some action. We suggest you contact the local law enforcement.

  2. Rich Bajjalieh

    I am a frequent visitor to Ireland from the United States. I’m (mostly) retired, or a pensioner(?). I worked as a photojournalist, when I worked, and have always brought cameras along. Ireland is beautiful beyond words, but photos can do a good job of telling its story.

    In past I have brought a drone I registered it with the IAA along with the rest of my gear. That registration and the drone as well have expired. The current regulations have changed significantly since I last brought a drone to Ireland. A lot has changed in FAA regulations as well.

    I am a current US FAA Part 107 UAS remote pilot cert holder. Is my certification recognized as the ‘Foreign visitor drone pilot license is required’ described on this page?

    I know I can drive a car in Ireland with my US license, can I fly a (IAA registered) drone in Ireland with my US cert or do I need to test for an EU license.

    I am primarily asking as a tourist/visitor/hobbyist. Though I would be interested in whether a US cert is recognized in any manner commercially.

    1. Editorial Team

      Rich, you will still need to register as an operator in Ireland for hobbyist operations. The commercial process is more complicated, and the regulator may reduce the requirements, such as training based on US certification, but that is not guaranteed.

  3. Nelson Anastacio

    Hi, i am the owner of a DJI mavic 2 pro purchased roughly 4 years ago. Do I still need to put a class identification label on it (ie. class 1 I assume?) or is it grandfathered not to need one because it was manufactured pre 2024?
    Thank you
    Also do you have an app or know of one that i can put on my phone to show me all the restricted areas for the recreational flyer/photographer are in Ireland?
    Thank you

    1. Editorial Team

      After 1 January 2024, if you have purchased a drone before that date without a class identification label, you will still be able to fly it in subcategory A1 if it weighs up to 250g or in subcategory A3 if it weighs up to 25kg.

      We are not aware of an app. DJI may have an online resource you can use. In the resources above there is a link to an official pdf of no fly zones. Please let us know if you find another source.

  4. Julius Arraes

    In the list of labels to put on the drone, there is no DJI mini and DJI mini2, there is only the DJI mini 2 SE and higher, mine is duly registered but it is a DJI mini 2, what label should I put on it in the class besides the registration number?

    1. Editorial Team

      Julius, the labels are on the new drones when you purchase them. Your older drone may not have the marking, but can continue to fly under the laws.

  5. Pat Murphy

    Hi, I live near Kinnegad, but I am in the middle of a yellow zone according to the Drone Safety Map,
    My drone is a DJI mini 2 with a camera so sub <250, I am registered with the IAA and I have my operators ID on it, I also have drone insurance, so can I still fly it in the yellow zone?
    Regards Pat

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Pat, we do not know the answer to that question. You would need to check with the regulator (link at the top of this page). Please share what you find out.

  6. Claudia

    Sorry, for asking the same questions again. At first I didn’t see yor answer. Thank you for that.

  7. Claudia

    Dear Merlin,

    we would like to sail the Shannon in the summer for 1 week with a houseboat. During this time we would like to film or photograph ourselves while cruising the Shannon with our drone (< 250 g with camera), as well as the beautiful scenery around us. This includes, among other things, the smaller islands in the loughes.

    Is filming from the boat while sailing allowed?
    (We don't want to film/photograph other boats!).
    What do we have to consider?

    I am registered as a UAS operator in Germany. Do I have to register additionally in Ireland?

    I also have a certificate of competence A1 and A3, even if it is not required for this drone.

    I would be very grateful for the answers to my questions. After all, we want to do everything right and not bother anyone.

    Thanks for the great and informative website!

    Regards from Germany

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Most professional drone operators recommend against operating a drone from a moving vehicle (a sailboat would be included in this category). However, we are not aware of any specific regulations against doing so.

  8. Karl Fields

    we are coming to Ireland in April of 23 I have a recreational drone that I have registered in US what will it cost me to register it for 3 weeks

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Karl, registration costs Euro 30 and is valid for 2 years

  9. Gereraldine

    We are based in a small village near Macroom in Cork. On several occasions over recent years our neighbour has been flying a drone over our home. He possibly/probably has a camera on it and could be gathering data ,personal data belonging to us and doing whatever he wishes with it . We have camera footage of his drone flying and snooping over our home. We have phoned the Macroom gardai about this but they say they don’t deal with this and to contact the airport. What good would that do?I did also contact the Aviation service who responded that they didn’t think it was a problem. So it appears that nobody can/wants to deal with this disturbing issue. Who know where images of them in their own yard or garden are going to be used or put especially images of children. I have recently put up signs on my fence at the back of our home pointing out to my neighbour that I am aware it is they who are doing this. I have written No trespassing No drones. So far I have had no response form this neighbour. Something else needs done by the Gov or whoever is making these laws because drone owners are ignoring them. Any advice would be appreciated.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Thank you for sharing. We recommend you keep contacting law enforcement and if possible the regulators as well as legislators in your district

  10. Mary

    I live in a rural area, (west cork)yesterday between 5-30pm and 6pm a drone was over my house, it was flying around for at least 15mins before I noticed it. It then hovering at least 4 minutes directly above my property before moving off, not many houses around me so I’m guessing it traveled a bit to get to where I live. Can I please ask what are my rights for privacy.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Mary, sounds like a number of policies were violated in this case:
      Direct visual contact with the drone is required, and the operating distance should not exceed 500 meters. 
      Avoid flying too close to residential areas or populated areas. 
      Maintain a safety buffer zone of one kilometer around residential areas. 
      Unless the owner/person consents, a safety distance of 500 meters from isolated buildings, people, vehicles, animals, and structures is required. 

      Contact your local law enforcement

  11. Peter W

    I have a DJI Mini 3 (sub-250g, with camera, not a toy). I reside in the UK where I am registered with the CAA. Do I need to register to fly in Ireland when I come for a short holiday?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Peter, technically Ireland is regulated by EASA so you may need to register again if the under 250g drone is camera equipped.

  12. Chris

    I’m a UK commercial operator, sub 25kg, in the Specific Category and working under a CAA OA. I’ve been asked to do some work in Ireland. Apart from registering and insuring for flight in the EU, how do I gain the additional clearances contained in my CAA OA?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Follow the action for commercial operators. You will have to register on the IAAA site

  13. Chriz

    May I check I will be travelling to Italy & Ireland next week. My drone is DJI FPV, less than 25kg, may i know do i need to register my drone to fly at these 2 countries? Can you please advise where should I register and from which link or website, can provide me? How fast is the registration process? It will be flying for recreational purpose not for commercial.

    For Italy & Ireland, do i need to register twice or just register with Italy, then can use the drone throughout the Europe? Lastly, do i need to buy any insurance for the drone?

    Please kindly guide me how to do the registration and requirement for the drone and myself in order able to fly drone in these countries. Thanks!

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      We recommend registering at the first location you will be visiting, then that registration is valid for all European states which follow EASA rules (Italy and Ireland are included). If you have insurance coverage in your home country that covers you internationally, then you will not need additional insurance.

      See section above on registering a drone. There is a link provided

  14. Tricia

    A investigators flew over my private property with a drone and took a picture of my property is this legal

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Tricia, if it’s not prohibited by local regulations (drones specifically or privacy regulations), then probably legal. Check with local regulators

  15. Irene Fahy

    I live I a built up residential area in Salthill Galway, i live 2 doors away from a drone owner and user. He and his 21 yr old are constantly flying the drone over my back garden when my small kids are outside playing or during the summer when I have friends/family over for bar b Q, he continues to fly the drone above us. I am afraid to approach him about it as he is not a particularly approachable person. Neighbours have shouted at him to remove the drone from over their garden when he is hovering it over their gardens when their small kids are out. He has a camera on it as I know he sent pictures to another neighbour of his shed he was constrcting, questioning the planning of the shed. Can you please tell me have I any grounds to stand on with this person. I feel my privacy is constantly being invaded and have to take my kids inside every time he hovers the drone over them.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Irene, we recommend contacting your local law enforcement. There may be regulations against nuisance use or privacy violations in your area.

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29 thoughts on “Drone Laws in Ireland”

  1. A stranger was flying his drone over my and my neighbours back gardens at approx 10 metres height, hovering and pointing at our houses. We did not give permission nor do we know the operator, who was parked in the road at the front of the houses. Is this legal in Ireland?

    • John, many drone flights are legal within Ireland, if the operators follow the rules. There may be specific rules against privacy violations that prohibit some action. We suggest you contact the local law enforcement.

  2. I am a frequent visitor to Ireland from the United States. I’m (mostly) retired, or a pensioner(?). I worked as a photojournalist, when I worked, and have always brought cameras along. Ireland is beautiful beyond words, but photos can do a good job of telling its story.

    In past I have brought a drone I registered it with the IAA along with the rest of my gear. That registration and the drone as well have expired. The current regulations have changed significantly since I last brought a drone to Ireland. A lot has changed in FAA regulations as well.

    I am a current US FAA Part 107 UAS remote pilot cert holder. Is my certification recognized as the ‘Foreign visitor drone pilot license is required’ described on this page?

    I know I can drive a car in Ireland with my US license, can I fly a (IAA registered) drone in Ireland with my US cert or do I need to test for an EU license.

    I am primarily asking as a tourist/visitor/hobbyist. Though I would be interested in whether a US cert is recognized in any manner commercially.

    • Rich, you will still need to register as an operator in Ireland for hobbyist operations. The commercial process is more complicated, and the regulator may reduce the requirements, such as training based on US certification, but that is not guaranteed.

  3. Hi, i am the owner of a DJI mavic 2 pro purchased roughly 4 years ago. Do I still need to put a class identification label on it (ie. class 1 I assume?) or is it grandfathered not to need one because it was manufactured pre 2024?
    Thank you
    Also do you have an app or know of one that i can put on my phone to show me all the restricted areas for the recreational flyer/photographer are in Ireland?
    Thank you

    • Nelson,
      After 1 January 2024, if you have purchased a drone before that date without a class identification label, you will still be able to fly it in subcategory A1 if it weighs up to 250g or in subcategory A3 if it weighs up to 25kg.

      We are not aware of an app. DJI may have an online resource you can use. In the resources above there is a link to an official pdf of no fly zones. Please let us know if you find another source.

  4. In the list of labels to put on the drone, there is no DJI mini and DJI mini2, there is only the DJI mini 2 SE and higher, mine is duly registered but it is a DJI mini 2, what label should I put on it in the class besides the registration number?

    • Julius, the labels are on the new drones when you purchase them. Your older drone may not have the marking, but can continue to fly under the laws.

  5. Hi, I live near Kinnegad, but I am in the middle of a yellow zone according to the Drone Safety Map,
    My drone is a DJI mini 2 with a camera so sub <250, I am registered with the IAA and I have my operators ID on it, I also have drone insurance, so can I still fly it in the yellow zone?
    Regards Pat

    • Pat, we do not know the answer to that question. You would need to check with the regulator (link at the top of this page). Please share what you find out.

  6. Dear Merlin,

    we would like to sail the Shannon in the summer for 1 week with a houseboat. During this time we would like to film or photograph ourselves while cruising the Shannon with our drone (< 250 g with camera), as well as the beautiful scenery around us. This includes, among other things, the smaller islands in the loughes.

    Is filming from the boat while sailing allowed?
    (We don't want to film/photograph other boats!).
    What do we have to consider?

    I am registered as a UAS operator in Germany. Do I have to register additionally in Ireland?

    I also have a certificate of competence A1 and A3, even if it is not required for this drone.

    I would be very grateful for the answers to my questions. After all, we want to do everything right and not bother anyone.

    Thanks for the great and informative website!

    Regards from Germany

    • Most professional drone operators recommend against operating a drone from a moving vehicle (a sailboat would be included in this category). However, we are not aware of any specific regulations against doing so.

  7. we are coming to Ireland in April of 23 I have a recreational drone that I have registered in US what will it cost me to register it for 3 weeks

  8. We are based in a small village near Macroom in Cork. On several occasions over recent years our neighbour has been flying a drone over our home. He possibly/probably has a camera on it and could be gathering data ,personal data belonging to us and doing whatever he wishes with it . We have camera footage of his drone flying and snooping over our home. We have phoned the Macroom gardai about this but they say they don’t deal with this and to contact the airport. What good would that do?I did also contact the Aviation service who responded that they didn’t think it was a problem. So it appears that nobody can/wants to deal with this disturbing issue. Who know where images of them in their own yard or garden are going to be used or put especially images of children. I have recently put up signs on my fence at the back of our home pointing out to my neighbour that I am aware it is they who are doing this. I have written No trespassing No drones. So far I have had no response form this neighbour. Something else needs done by the Gov or whoever is making these laws because drone owners are ignoring them. Any advice would be appreciated.

    • Thank you for sharing. We recommend you keep contacting law enforcement and if possible the regulators as well as legislators in your district

  9. I live in a rural area, (west cork)yesterday between 5-30pm and 6pm a drone was over my house, it was flying around for at least 15mins before I noticed it. It then hovering at least 4 minutes directly above my property before moving off, not many houses around me so I’m guessing it traveled a bit to get to where I live. Can I please ask what are my rights for privacy.

    • Mary, sounds like a number of policies were violated in this case:
      Direct visual contact with the drone is required, and the operating distance should not exceed 500 meters. 
      Avoid flying too close to residential areas or populated areas. 
      Maintain a safety buffer zone of one kilometer around residential areas. 
      Unless the owner/person consents, a safety distance of 500 meters from isolated buildings, people, vehicles, animals, and structures is required. 

      Contact your local law enforcement

  10. I have a DJI Mini 3 (sub-250g, with camera, not a toy). I reside in the UK where I am registered with the CAA. Do I need to register to fly in Ireland when I come for a short holiday?

    • Peter, technically Ireland is regulated by EASA so you may need to register again if the under 250g drone is camera equipped.

  11. I’m a UK commercial operator, sub 25kg, in the Specific Category and working under a CAA OA. I’ve been asked to do some work in Ireland. Apart from registering and insuring for flight in the EU, how do I gain the additional clearances contained in my CAA OA?

  12. May I check I will be travelling to Italy & Ireland next week. My drone is DJI FPV, less than 25kg, may i know do i need to register my drone to fly at these 2 countries? Can you please advise where should I register and from which link or website, can provide me? How fast is the registration process? It will be flying for recreational purpose not for commercial.

    For Italy & Ireland, do i need to register twice or just register with Italy, then can use the drone throughout the Europe? Lastly, do i need to buy any insurance for the drone?

    Please kindly guide me how to do the registration and requirement for the drone and myself in order able to fly drone in these countries. Thanks!

    • We recommend registering at the first location you will be visiting, then that registration is valid for all European states which follow EASA rules (Italy and Ireland are included). If you have insurance coverage in your home country that covers you internationally, then you will not need additional insurance.

      See section above on registering a drone. There is a link provided

    • Tricia, if it’s not prohibited by local regulations (drones specifically or privacy regulations), then probably legal. Check with local regulators

  13. I live I a built up residential area in Salthill Galway, i live 2 doors away from a drone owner and user. He and his 21 yr old are constantly flying the drone over my back garden when my small kids are outside playing or during the summer when I have friends/family over for bar b Q, he continues to fly the drone above us. I am afraid to approach him about it as he is not a particularly approachable person. Neighbours have shouted at him to remove the drone from over their garden when he is hovering it over their gardens when their small kids are out. He has a camera on it as I know he sent pictures to another neighbour of his shed he was constrcting, questioning the planning of the shed. Can you please tell me have I any grounds to stand on with this person. I feel my privacy is constantly being invaded and have to take my kids inside every time he hovers the drone over them.

    • Irene, we recommend contacting your local law enforcement. There may be regulations against nuisance use or privacy violations in your area.


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