Bahamas Flag - The Bahamas Drone Laws

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Drone Laws in the Bahamas

Summary of Drone Laws in the Bahamas

Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of the Bahamas

Drone Operations in the Bahamas are currently regulated.

  • Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in the Bahamas
  • Hobbyist the Bahamas drone pilot license/permit is required
  • Hobbyist Drone registration is required in the Bahamas for hobbyists (if more than 249 grams)
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in the Bahamas for hobbyists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations in the Bahamas

Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in the Bahamas and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of the Bahamas

Drone Operations in the Bahamas are currently regulated.

  • Commercial drone flights are allowed in the Bahamas
  • Commercial the Bahamas drone pilot license/permit is required
  • Commercial Drone registration is required in the Bahamas for commercial drone operators
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in the Bahamas for Commercial Drone Operators
  • Drone Insurance is not required for commercial drone operations in the Bahamas

Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in the Bahamas and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Regulations For Visitors To the Bahamas

Drone Operations in the Bahamas are currently regulated.

  • Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in the Bahamas
  • Foreign visitor drone pilot license/permit is required
  • Drone registration is required in the Bahamas for visitors/tourists
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in the Bahamas for tourists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in the Bahamas

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in the Bahamas for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Rules For Government Drone Operators in the Bahamas

Drone Operations in the Bahamas are currently regulated.

  • Government drone flights are allowed in the Bahamas
  • Government drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required in the Bahamas for Government operations
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in the Bahamas for Government operations
  • Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations in the Bahamas

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in the Bahamas for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas

Drone regulator in The Bahamas: Civil Aviation Authority -Bahamas (CAA-B)

Link to Bahamas Drone Registration: Bahamas Drone Registration

Contact Information

If you need additional details we have not covered or specific case assistance, you can contact the Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas (CAA-B) directly at:

  • Address: 2nd Floor, Nassau Business Center, Airport Industrial Park Road, P.O. Box N-975, New Providence, Bahamas
  • Phone: (242) 397 4700

Please continue reading for more details on Bahamas Drone Laws.

UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in the Bahamas

The Bahamas agency responsible for drone safety, CAA-B, has provided several internet-accessible details on flying for fun or work. The highlights are enumerated below. For more information, go to the link above.

Are drones allowed in the Bahamas?

According to CAA-B, drones are allowed in the Bahamas, subject to CAA-B regulations. Read on for more details.

Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in the Bahamas

  • All drone operations in the Bahamas require a permit. 
  • To fly a drone in the Bahamas, you must register it if it’s more than 249 grams. 
  • Avoid flying within 50 feet of any person, structure, or vehicle not directly associated with the drone’s operation. 
  • Avoid flying over or within 150 meters of any densely populated or congested area. 
  • Fly no higher than 400 feet. 
  • Avoid flying within a 5-nautical-mile radius of any airport. 
  • Do not fly over private property without the owner’s permission. 
  • Avoid flying over military installations, nature reserves, or areas designated as “drone-free zones.” 
  • Avoid flying at night or in inclement weather with low visibility.

Permit Requirements for Flying a Drone in the Bahamas

Permits are required for all drone operations in the Bahamas, whether recreational or commercial. 

If you’re planning a trip to the Bahamas and need a permit to fly your drone, contact the CAA-B for all the necessary paperwork.

You must supply the following information: 

  • Your visit dates 
  • Area(s) in which you intend to fly your drone 
  • Are the flights commercial or private? 
  • Your drone’s make, model, and serial number 
  • Copies of your home country’s registration certificate (if applicable) 

Following approval, you will receive an email containing an official letter of issuance that contains detailed rules and regulations and is valid for 30 days. Once you have received your authorization letter, keep it with you to present to customs.

Customs Requirements for Flying a Drone in the Bahamas

Along with the registration process, the drone’s value will be determined by customs upon entry. 

Upon arrival in the country, a cash deposit equal to 50% of the drone’s appraised value is required. Customs will print a receipt indicating that you can fly your drone. Your deposit will be fully refunded upon departure.

The Certificate of Registration

To legally fly a Remotely Piloted Vehicle in the Bahamas, you must obtain a Certificate of Registration from the Civil Aviation Department if you do not already have one with the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States. 

You’ll want to review the (extensive) rules governing the operation of a drone, which are contained in Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Schedule 27: Unmanned and Remotely Piloted Aircraft. 

Among the requirements, you must possess the following: 

  • Valid photo identification (a driver’s license or passport issued in the United States is acceptable). 
  • Your Certificate of Registration Liability Insurance issued by the Bahamas (or the United States) (in an amount appropriate for your use).
  • You can use the CAA-B online registration link to register.

Which zones are UAS operations banned?

The operator or pilot of a UAS shall not operate the UAS into the following airspace:

  • controlled airspace (Classes A, B, C, D, E, and F);
  • danger areas (except for an area designated explicitly for unmanned aircraft usage);
  • prohibited areas;
  • restricted areas; and
  • wildlife protection areas.

Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in the Bahamas

See the general rules above.

Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in the Bahamas

The Minister must approve commercial flights (as well as compensation or aerial work). 

The cost of registration for commercial activity is $80 per drone per day, plus an additional $80 for each location. You will be required to provide WGS84 Coordinates for your locations.

A visual line of sight is required. 

Please note that numerous additional restrictions apply if the drone weighs more than 15 kg (33 lbs). Also, since permission is coordinated across multiple agencies, it is recommended that you apply at least five working days prior to your desired date of operation. If you are a foreign operator, you will need a handling agency or local representative to apply for commercial drone use. Contact CAA-B for more details.

See the general rules above.

Useful published information on flying drones in the Bahamas

Here is a sample of what you might expect if you follow the drone laws and fly in the Bahamas…

Authoritative Sources of Information on the Bahamas Drone Laws

We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:

NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.

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Traveling with a Drone?

Click here to read our Comprehensive Guide For Traveling With A Drone.


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7 responses to “Drone Laws in the Bahamas”

  1. Brett Beard

    The BCCA is now known as CAA-B (Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas). The cost to register a drone for commercial use is $80 per drone, per day, and additional $80 per location. Location of drone will need to be provided in WGS84 coordinates. The use of a drone is coordinated across several different aviation departments, so it is advised to give at least 5 days notice prior to operation start date. Also, if the drone use is on private property, written approval of permission from the owner must be provided. You will also need a handling agency or local representative in the Bahamas (Section 5) on the application for drone use.

  2. Braudy

    I will be visiting the Bahamas on October 1st, and I sent an email asking for a permission to fly my drone, but have not received a response. I have tried calling, but no one is picking up. What can I do at this point?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Please keep trying to contact the authorities. Adding your comment here for advice from the community

  3. Ottavio Vitelli

    I will be in Bahamas in august and I would like to bring with me my drone. It is a <249gr drone and I will use it for recreational reasons. In addition to request the permission, do I have to pay the cash deposit equal to 50% of the drone’s value at the customs?
    Thank you very much

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      That is our understanding. Please check with the regulators for any uodates

  4. Thomas Selden

    What is the procedure for reporting at drones that are in violation of the prohibition against flying over and Performing surveillance over private property. Thank you

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Please contact your local law enforcement

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7 thoughts on “Drone Laws in the Bahamas”

  1. The BCCA is now known as CAA-B (Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas). The cost to register a drone for commercial use is $80 per drone, per day, and additional $80 per location. Location of drone will need to be provided in WGS84 coordinates. The use of a drone is coordinated across several different aviation departments, so it is advised to give at least 5 days notice prior to operation start date. Also, if the drone use is on private property, written approval of permission from the owner must be provided. You will also need a handling agency or local representative in the Bahamas (Section 5) on the application for drone use.

  2. Hi,
    I will be visiting the Bahamas on October 1st, and I sent an email asking for a permission to fly my drone, but have not received a response. I have tried calling, but no one is picking up. What can I do at this point?

  3. Hello,
    I will be in Bahamas in august and I would like to bring with me my drone. It is a <249gr drone and I will use it for recreational reasons. In addition to request the permission, do I have to pay the cash deposit equal to 50% of the drone’s value at the customs?
    Thank you very much

  4. What is the procedure for reporting at drones that are in violation of the prohibition against flying over and Performing surveillance over private property. Thank you


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