Summary of Drone Laws in Mexico
Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of Mexico
Drone Operations in Mexico are currently regulated.
- Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in Mexico
- Hobbyist Mexico drone pilot license is not required
- Hobbyist Drone registration is required in Mexico for hobbyists
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Mexico for hobbyists
- Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations in Mexico
Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in Mexico and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of Mexico
Drone Operations in Mexico are currently regulated.
- Commercial drone flights are allowed in Mexico
- Commercial Mexico drone pilot license is required
- Commercial Drone registration is required in Mexico for commercial drone operators
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Mexico for Commercial Drone Operators
- Drone Insurance is required for commercial drone operations in Mexico
Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in Mexico and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Drone Regulations For Visitors To Mexico
Drone Operations in Mexico are currently regulated.
- Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in Mexico (however permission is rarely granted)
- Foreign visitor drone pilot license is not required
- Drone registration is required in Mexico for visitors/tourists
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Mexico for tourists
- Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in Mexico
Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Mexico for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Drone Rules For Government Drone Operators in Mexico
Drone Operations in Mexico are currently regulated.
- Government drone flights are allowed in Mexico
- Government drone pilot license is required
- Drone registration is required in Mexico for Government operations
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Mexico for Government operations
- Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations in Mexico
Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Mexico for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in the United Mexican States (Mexico)
Drone Regulators in Mexico: Mexico Secretaria de Communicacaciones Y Transportes (Secretariat of Communications and Transport) and AFAC (Civil Aviation Federal Agency) are the new names for DGAC.
Link to Drone Regulations: Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC)Drone Regulations (In Spanish) and Drone (2019) regulations (In Spanish)
Contact Information
If you need additional details we have not covered or specific case assistance, you can contact the Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil (AFAC) directly at:
- Address: Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 1990 Los Alpes 01010 Ciudad de México
- Phone: Federal Civil Aviation Agency (Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil, AFAC) at (55) 57239300. For citizen attention, you can call 01-800-888-1013
- Email:
Please continue reading for more details on Mexico Drone Laws.
UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Mexico
The Mexican agency responsible for drone safety, AFAC, has provided many internet-accessible details on flying for fun or work. The highlights are enumerated below. For more details, click on the link above.
Are drones allowed in Mexico?
Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Mexico:
The Mexican Drone laws enumerate drones into three classes:
- Micro UAV: UAVs in this category weigh 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) or less. Micro UAVs can be flown without authorization from the AA, but if used for commercial activities, they should have third-party liability insurance, among other conditions. They can be flown up to 400 feet above ground level and no more than 1,500 feet from the operator within the visual line of sight.
- Light UAVs: UAVs in this category weigh between 2 kilograms and 25 kilograms (55 pounds). Light UAVs flown for recreational purposes can only be flown on the grounds of a recognized model aircraft club. Light UAVs flown for commercial purposes must be registered with the AFAC and display license plates. In addition, each individual commercial UAV flight must be authorized by the AA beforehand.
- Heavy UAVs: UAVs in this category weigh over 25 kilograms. Heavy UAVs must adhere to all the rules that apply to light drones. In addition, heavy UAVs must follow the terms and conditions approved by the AFAC. Heavy UAV operators must have a pilot’s license.
Each weight class is regulated distinctly for recreational and commercial use only.
Operations are permitted only in daylight (unless the FAA grants a written exception), and in areas not classified as prohibited, restricted, or dangerous.
All UAVs must stay 9.2 kilometers (5.72 miles) away from controlled airports, 3.7 kilometers (2.3 miles) away from uncontrolled airfields, and 900 meters (985 yards) from helicopter pads.
All UAVs must not drop objects that may cause damage to people or property.
UAVs cannot be flown over people or animals.
Operators, whether individuals or corporations, are required to respect all laws and regulations, both federal and local.
The UAV pilot must always keep direct eye contact with the UAV (line of sight)
Only RPAS weighing less than 2 kg can be operated without requiring authorization from the AFAC. Still, if used for commercial activities, they must have third-party damage insurance, among other conditions.
As for those weighing more than 2 kg, they can only be used within model airplane clubs when their use is recreational. Those for commercial use require authorization from the AFAC. The limitations are even more specific to operating devices weighing more than 25 kilograms, which can only fly under the terms and conditions authorized by the AFAC, in addition to the fact that their operator must have a pilot license.
Registering a drone in Mexico
The purpose of this instruction is to inform, in detail, about the procedure that must be carried out to register an RPAS online with the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) through its website.
Applicants must complete and submit their form APPENDIX “K” REGULATIONS: REGISTRATION OF RPAS BY THE RPAS OPERATOR to obtain their registration sheet issued by this aeronautical authority.
The recording of RPAS information must be carried out before starting its corresponding operation.
When you submit your form APPENDIX “K” REGULATIONS: REGISTRATION OF RPAS BY THE RPAS OPERATOR, you certify that all the information contained therein is true and correct. Falsifying information can cause you to lose the right to obtain a record. Check that all your answers are correct and that each question is fully answered.
Attach a digitized copy of the documentation proving the legal ownership or possession of your RPAS, as indicated in paragraphs 5., 5.1., 5.1.1. subparagraph a); 6., 6.1., 6.1.1. in subparagraph a) and 15.3 of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-107-SCT3-2019; remember that this information may be protected against third parties in case of any incident or conflict of interest.
*Instructive to obtain a registration of RPAS issued by the Mexican Aeronautical Registry, Dependent on the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC).
2. If you are a natural person, you must prove your personality by attaching a digitized copy of your official identification.
3. If you are a legal person, you must prove your personality by attaching a digitized copy of the articles of law and power of attorney.
4. Review the data provided (the waiting time to obtain your registration depends on it).
5. Prepare a scanned copy of the documentation proving ownership or possession of your RPAS (supported formats .pdf, .docx, .jpg, or .png).
6. Send an email to requesting registration for an RPAS, attaching the complete form in the format (Excel) provided below, along with its printed version signed by you and adding in an autograph way your Federal Register of Taxpayers with homoclave, if you have it; as well as digitized copies of the documentation proving the ownership
7. Wait for your registration sheet or the considerations to be covered to obtain it at the email address provided within ten business days from your application’s entry date.
8. Use the space within your email to mention if you had any difficulties or problems filling out the form. Include the comments you have not been able to add, indicating which question on the form they refer to
9. If necessary, we will contact you to solve the problem. Otherwise, their appreciation will serve to improve the tool for future editions.
10. For any questions about it, please contact Tel: (55) 57239300 EXT. 18111, 18113, and 18125.
Appendix “J” Registration of RPAS marketed in Mexico
Appendix “K” Registration of RPAS by owners
Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Mexico
Follow the general rules listed above, but check for updates by visiting the regulator’s links provided.
Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in Mexico
Authorization for photography and recording in areas, monuments, and museums of INAH
You must get permission to take photographs, film, or record in areas, monuments, and museums of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) for professional or commercial purposes. There is also a fee for taking photos or videos in INAH areas. To apply for permission to take photos and videos in INAH areas, you will need to provide the following to INAH:
- A written document addressed to the National Coordination of Legal Affairs with a brief synopsis of the project
- Any Script, storyboard, or dummy sketch
- Application form INAH-01-001
Start your application process online here. You will complete the application at the INAH service offices.
License for Commercial Drone Operators in Mexico
Commercial drone operators are required to obtain a license to fly a drone in Mexico. To obtain a drone license in Mexico, you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be Mexican by birth
- Provide your military release card
- Have a high school diploma
- Be in good health
Foreign Operators
Contact the AFAC for specific rules and regulations. Foreign operations of drones are mostly prohibited. Only in rare circumstances will they be approved.
Useful published information on flying drones in Mexico
Here is a useful introduction video (in Spanish) of tips for flying a drone legally in Mexico…
Authoritative Sources of Information on Mexico Drone Laws
We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:
- Drone Regulator Website: Mexico Secretaria de Communicacaciones Y Transportes (Secretariat of Communications and Transport) and AFAC (Civil Aviation Federal Agency) is the new name for DGAC.
- Link To SUAS Laws: Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC)Drone Regulations (In Spanish) and Drone (2019) regulations (In Spanish)
- No Fly Zone Maps/Locations: N/A
- UAV Registration Site: N/A
- Drone Operator Licensing Site: N/A
- Others: N/A
NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.
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