Malaysia Flag - Malaysia Drone Laws

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Drone Laws in Malaysia

Summary of Drone Laws in Malaysia

Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of Malaysia

Drone Operations in Malaysia are currently regulated.

  • Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in Malaysia
  • Hobbyist Malaysia drone pilot license is not required
  • Hobbyist Drone registration is not required in Malaysia for hobbyists flying under 20kg UAV
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Malaysia for hobbyists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations in Malaysia

Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in Malaysia and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of Malaysia

Drone Operations in Malaysia are currently regulated.

  • Commercial drone flights are allowed in Malaysia
  • Commercial Malaysia drone pilot license is required
  • Commercial Drone registration is not required in Malaysia for commercial drone operators unless the drone is over 20kg
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Malaysia for Commercial Drone Operators
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for commercial drone operations in Malaysia

Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in Malaysia and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Visitors To Malaysia

Drone Operations in Malaysia are currently regulated.

  • Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in Malaysia
  • Foreign visitor drone pilot license is not required
  • Drone registration/authorization is required in Malaysia for visitors/tourists
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Malaysia for tourists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in Malaysia

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Malaysia for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Government Drone Operators in Malaysia

Drone Operations in Malaysia are currently regulated.

  • Government drone flights are allowed in Malaysia
  • Government drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required in Malaysia for Government operations
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Malaysia for Government operations
  • Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations in Malaysia

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Malaysia for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in Malaysia


Drone Regulator in Malaysia: Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM)

Link to Drone Flight Approval Forms: CAAM Drone Flight Approval Application Forms

Contact Information

If you need additional details we have not covered or specific case assistance, you can contact the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) directly at:

  • Address: Level 1-4, Block A, South Quadrant, SACL, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, 47200 Subang, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Phone+60 3 8871 4000
  • Email: or (standard authorization)

Other Organizations involved in Malaysia Drone regulations:

  1. Standard and Industrial Research of Malaysia (SIRIM): Ensure UAS brought in meets the safety standard requirement for electronics equipment.
  2. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC): MCMC regulates and promotes the communication and multimedia industry and delicately balances the overall interest of the consumer, industry and investor. The allocated frequency for the Control and Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) and payload links 433MHz to 435 MHz, 2400 MHz to 2500 MHz and 5725 MHz to 5875 MHz. An Apparatus Assignment shall be requested if the frequency is differing than the allocated frequencies.
  3. Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM): If the UA is capable of undertaking surveillance and measuring activities (such as aerial photo, aerial mapping, Lidar etc.) then the UAS operator must seek an approval from the Department of Survey and Mapping. The Department of Survey and Mapping’s responsibility also extends to liaising with CGSO, ATM-BSPP and RMP to conduct the background check and ensuring the level of security of the proposed area of operation.
  4. Chief Government and Security Office (CGSO): Governs all Kawasan Larangan Tempat Larangan and Sasaran Penting (KLTL and SP)
  5. Wisma Tanah dan Ukur Sabah: Additional authorisation required for UA operations in Sabah
  6. Office of Premier of Sarawak: Additional authorisation required for UA operations in Sarawak.

Please continue reading for more details on Malaysia Drone Laws.

UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Malaysia

The Malaysian agency responsible for drone safety, CAAM, has provided many internet-accessible details on flying a drone for fun or work. The highlights are enumerated below. For more details, go to the links above.

Are drones allowed in Malaysia?

According to CAAM, drones are allowed in Malaysia, subject to CAAM regulations. Read on for details.

Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Malaysia:

In Malaysia, drones are classified into three categories:

  • Small Unmanned Aircraft System: Drones with a maximum weight of 20 kilograms
  • Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft: Drones that weigh a maximum of 20 kilograms are equipped with data acquisition devices (such as cameras and microphones).
  • Unmanned Aircraft System more than 20kg: All other drones weighing more than 20 kg

Regulations vary according to category. For example, the second category includes standard camera drones such as the DJI Mavic and Phantom. 

Further authorization is not required for such drones if the following maneuvers are avoided:

  • From a weight of 20 kilograms, authorization is required. 
  • Malaysia’s maximum permitted ascent height is 120 meters (400 feet). 
  • Flights of drones over designated areas (areas for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational purposes) 
  • In Malaysia, drone flights are permitted only within visual range. However, under certain conditions, experienced pilots can conduct FPV flights. 
  • Within 150 meters of each designated area, drone flights 
  • We strongly advise obtaining aviation liability insurance before conducting drone operations in Malaysia. 
  • Drone flights over crowds of more than 1,000 people in open spaces 
  • Drone flights within 150 meters of any outdoor gathering of over 1000 people 
  • Drone flights within 50 meters of any ship, vehicle, or structure that is not under the pilot’s control 
  • Drone flights are restricted to a radius of 50 meters around each person. 
  • During takeoff and landing, drones fly within 30 meters of each person. 
  • All operations must be conducted beyond 9.26km (5 Nautical Miles) from an aerodrome or airport and only in Class G airspace.
  • Flights are permitted only during daylight hours.

If you meet any of the criteria listed above, you will require a license from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA). 

If your UAS activity is not categorized as a Special UAS Project, Agricultural UAS Operations is flown within Visual Line of Sight in Class G Airspace and utilizing less than 20 kilograms of UA. Then, most likely, you will be required to submit the Standard Application to achieve your Authorisation to Fly.

The application form for the authorization to fly can be found in the document below. The completed application form and required supporting documents shall be sent to at least fourteen (14) days before the proposed activity date. CAAM reserves the right to reject incomplete or late submissions.

Go here to find the link to the Application Form for Standard Application to Fly

250 RM is the cost of the permit.

Information about Drone permits in Malaysia

Before applying for a CAAM permit, you must first obtain permission from the landowner whose property you intend to fly over. Additionally, depending on your circumstances, you may need to get the following documents:

  • A letter of approval from JUPEM, or Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia, is required for any drone activity involving aerial mapping, aerial photography, filming, or videography. The application fee is RM 50. 
  • A letter from the CGSO or Chief Government Security Office authorizing the pilot to fly in no-fly zones such as Putrajaya. 
  • A letter of approval from the Sabah or Sarawak Chief Minister, depending on which state you will be flying. 
  • An approval letter from the MCMC or Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission is required for foreign drone pilots.

Please remember that your application to CAAM must be submitted at least 14 working days before your scheduled flight date, or it will be rejected.

The Permit Application fees are as follows:

  • For drones 20kg and below: RM 250
  • For drones above 20kg: RM 1000

The permit is valid for a maximum of three months, based on the dates of operation specified in your application. 

How to get Standard Authorization to Fly Drones in Malaysia?

If your UAS activity is not categorized as a Special UAS Project, Agricultural UAS Operations is flown within Visual Line of Sight in Class G Airspace and utilizing less than 20 kilograms of UA. Then, most likely, you will be required to submit the Standard Application to achieve your Authorization to Fly.

The Application form can be found here: Malaysia Standard Authorization Application Form.

The completed application form and required supporting documents shall be sent to at least fourteen (14) days before the proposed activity date. CAAM reserves the right to reject an incomplete or late submission.


If the person is an individual, they may be fined not more than fifty thousand ringgit, imprisoned for over three years, or both. 

If the person is a corporate body, they may be fined not more than one hundred thousand ringgits.

Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Malaysia

Recreational drone use will most likely require a standard application to fly. Please see the information above. 

You must ensure that you can maintain direct and unaided visual contact with the aircraft long enough to monitor its flight path to other aircraft, persons, vehicles, vessels, and structures to avoid collisions.

Authorization from the Director-General is REQUIRED if the person in charge of the small unmanned aircraft system intends to fly the small unmanned aircraft system:

  • within an aerodrome traffic zone
  • at the height of more than 400 feet above ground

Follow the general rules listed above, but check for updates by visiting the regulator’s links provided.

Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in Malaysia

To fly a UAS for aerial work, you need authorization from the Director-General. 

Aerial work is an aircraft operation that provides specialized services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue, and aerial advertisement. 

  • Registration of small unmanned aircraft and small uncrewed surveillance aircraft is NOT required. 
  • Registration of unmanned aircraft systems weighing more than 20kg is REQUIRED. 

Each authorization requires additional direct payment to the authority.

To use drones for aerial work, you must also apply for and maintain an aerial work certificate:

  • New application: RM 800
  • Renewal of aerial work certificate: RM 500 per year
  • Modification of existing certificate: RM 250

Follow the general rules listed above, but check for updates by visiting the regulator’s links provided.

Useful published information on flying drones in Malaysia

Here is a sample of what you might expect if you follow the drone laws and fly in Malaysia…

Authoritative Sources of Information on Malaysia Drone Laws

We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:

NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.

Find out why

We think you must use a Drone Preflight Checklist

And a Drone Post-flight checklist

Free Drone Flight Checklist PDF

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Traveling with a Drone?

Click here to read our Comprehensive Guide For Traveling With A Drone.


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79 responses to “Drone Laws in Malaysia”

  1. Petrus Kimsa

    I am an owner of the Hoverair X1 Pro in Kuala Lumpur

    I bought it online last few months. I have been taking a lot of footages with it for the past few months. It is an amazing flying camera or drones or whatever you may call it.

    Basically it can do all these: – On auto mode it can do Hover, follow, side track, dolly track, zoom in, zoom out, orbit 360 degrees rotations.
    On manual mode, it can fly to 120 meters distance maximum using a beacon and joystick control and battery last for 15 minutes maximum with 4k resolutions.
    In their advertisement (the company Zero Zero Robotics) mentioned it doesn’t requires license to fly. But I still want to know the real law in Malaysia.

    After I read all the rules on this website, I get confused.

    My question and my concern is, do I need a license?


    1. Editorial Team

      We are not familiar with your specific drone, but if you are flying as a hobbyist your drone flights do not require a license. Follow the rules above. You can contact the regulator for a more precise answer


    Hello, i am foreigner.
    I want to use a selfie drone to shoot my family within a maximum radius of 10m around me, do I need approval?
    Also, if I need approval, can I pay RM250 even if I’m a foreigner and fly for up to 3 months?

    1. Editorial Team

      Visitors can fly drones in Malaysia. Please contact the authorities at the emails provided above for specific questions

  3. Cosmin

    I am a Romanian citizen and I will spend my vacation in Malaysia at the end of May and I want to know if it is necessary and how to get a permit to fly a DJI Mini 3 Pro (under 250g) drone for recreational purposes. I will fly the drone VLOS and at the maximum altitude of 120 m. The locations chosen for the flights are in Langkawi island (in the permitted areas).
    Since I am a Romanian citizen, I hold certificate no. ROU-RP-qm9ppk2wshy9 to be able to fly drones from the A1/A3 Open Subcategory (issued in Romania and recognized throughout the European Union).
    Please let me know if it is necessary to register the drone or if other documents are needed to be able to fly for recreational purposes. The information on the websites of the Malaysian authorities about the flight of drones is very confusing.

    1. Editorial Team

      Your drone must be approved for importation and you should check with the regulator (other agencies too depending on your drone operation).

  4. Al Amin

    I just want to Know. It is Drone must have a permit if you want bring to Malaysia. My friends tell me that officer tell the Drone must have a permit from Sirim because that drone have a frecuency. This rule that custome officer tell to my friends. Can you give me more explanation about this.

    1. Editorial Team

      There are a number of Government organizations responsible for regulating different aspects that might affect drone use in Malaysia. Additional information provided above.
      To bring a drone in to Malaysia, it must be import approved. Most commercially available drones such as the readily available DJI versions are approved. For more details check with he regulator and other sources above.

  5. Rian

    If for tinywhoop fpv drone that weigh around 20-80g, do i need permit if i fly it?

    1. Editorial Team

      We don’t see any exemptions for tiny drones, so we would follow the permitting rules. Please check with the regulator

  6. Sally

    Our company intend to import complete sets of Drone and related parts for the assembly of drones. These model drones are designed for use in agriculture related project.
    The drones will be sold customers in Malaysia and possible opportunities be exported to other countries.
    We will act as importer of Drones, we are not the end user for these items.
    May I know any permit we need to apply as importer ?

    1. Editorial Team

      Please contact the regulator (lnks above)

  7. Koen

    First of all, thank you for this comprehensive guide.
    I will be backpacking through Malaysia (>1 month) with my DJI mini 3 pro (personal use) and am looking into how to obtain the proper authorization. However, since I will be backpacking, the places I will visit and thus fly are not yet fully known. Filling out the ‘ flight planning of operation area’ is therefore also not possible.
    Furthermore, how can I obtain the SIRIM UAS certification number?
    The form seems quite comprehensive to me, so any help is appreciated.
    I emailed CAAM already (15-2-24), but haven’t got a reply yet. I thought maybe you could help.
    Thank you in advance!

    1. Editorial Team

      Reaching out to the regulator is the best place to start. We also recommend finding a local organization, maybe it’s your tour company, travel guide, or drone enthusiasts club in the area you are visiting.

  8. Luis

    For a flight with a camera for example the Mavic Air and in an area where there are no restrictions to fly, do you have to request the standard authorization? I am a bit confusing but it seems that if you have to ask for authorization

    1. Editorial Team

      Contact CAAM if you want to verify the specific circumstances. It is our understanding that you will require a standard authorization.

    2. agra-maria chatzipanagioti

      Hello 🙂 planning to visit Malaysia in August for 2 weeks and want to take my Dji mini 3 pro with me. I have contacted CAAM and Jupem however I am having a difficulty understanding what I have to do. I filled the form and send it to them , however jupem told me Permit applications can only be applied for by Malaysian citizens..
      don’t know what to do

      1. Editorial Team

        Have you followed the standard authorization to fly link above and submitted that form?

  9. Edranady

    Hi All,
    When I read the regulation thoroughly for Small Unmanned Aircraft System shouldn’t be that complicated compare to Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft System.
    142. Small unmanned aircraft
    (1) The person in charge of a small unmanned aircraft may fly the small unmanned aircraft if he is satisfied that the flight can safely be made.
    (2) The person in charge of a small unmanned aircraft shall maintain direct and unaided visual contact with such small unmanned aircraft sufficient to monitor its flight path in relation to other aircrafts, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions.

    So my opinion, as long as we don’t perform any surveillance activity, if we only fly for hobby we don’t have to apply any permit from CAAM.

    Do you think my opinion is correct?

    1. Editorial Team

      You may require a standard authorization to fly depending on the parameters of your flight.
      Permits are generally required for drones under 20kg. Registration may not be required.

  10. Hafizi

    Hi can i know where i can simply fly drone and take footage of putrajaya or in KL. May i know all putajaya is a no fly zone or certain area is a no fly zone. Where can i get the map zone on which fly area can be used. Im only using mini 2 se. Thank you

    1. Editorial Team

      We are unable to find an official CAAM No-fly zone map online, other than the summary images found here:

      You can also use the DJI Fly Safe Application online here:

      Our understanding is that many locations in Malaysia have been declared as no-fly zones for security purposes, such as Istana Negara, Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC), Putrajaya, and the Parliament. Many government facilities are also considered No-fly zones.


    Hi, I just want to fly to Gaya Island Resort. Non-commercial use, belonging to personal entertainment (photographing and filming). Do I need to apply for a certificate?
    Drone: DJI MINI 3 PRO

    If i need to apply, I have send a email application on 5/16/2023, but I haven’t received a reply yet, and I don’t know where to pay the fee
    my email is:

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      We suggest you check with the regulator CAAM (link is near the top of the page).

  12. George Chan

    Can we use drones to deliver less than 6kg per trip in Malaysia?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Delivery using drones will require approval and authorization by the regulators (see link at the top of the page for the regulator)

  13. afiq

    hi merlin,
    something you can share with your followers

    the regulation on recreation and personal use drone, is not soo much on the usage (piloting of the drone)
    but mostly because of (some of) the reason below
    – entering of airspace (act 5, civil aviation act 1969)
    – Akta Kawasan Larangan Dan Tempat Larangan (Akta 298)
    – PDPA (when you have camera)
    and of course. risk to people on ground
    (thats why they require SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment)

    the authority treat drone as it impose the same type of risk as actual aircraft

    if we can promote good airmanship among drone operator, it may reduce the risk and give confidence to the authority give more operator freedom

    aircraft maintenance instructor
    air accident investigator

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Thank you Afiq. We hope all drone operators would know and follow the regulations. It’s better for all of us

  14. T.Y.

    To anyone who owns a drone; please be respectful of other peoples privacy / space and ask for consent before taking their videos close up! Thank you.

  15. Leeman Spry

    Hi Admin,
    I would like to let you know on your updated on UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Malaysia
    Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Malaysia:
    You must maintain 4.5 kilometers (3 miles) from airports and heliports.

    According to CIVIL AVIATION DIRECTIVE – 6011 PART (II) Chapter 4.1.1 (0)
    All operations must be conducted beyond 9.26km from an aerodrome and
    only in Class G airspace.

    So its actually 5 nautical miles = 9.26 km

    Thank you

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Thank you and updated.

      1. Leeman Spry

        Your welcome Merlin.

  16. Michelle

    Hello, I am a beginner to the drone world. I would like to know if it is possible to use a camera drone such as dji mini 2 or dji spark in my residential area and park (both have less than 1000 people) to take photos of my family and my friends for purely me and them not for anything commercial. I want to get a drone for this purposes but I am confused if I need to pay rm250 for the authorisation process every single time. Please help me!!!

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Michelle, according to our understanding of the rgulations, your recreational use oif a drone still requires a standard authorization to fly. We would suggest you get in contact with the regulator following the links at the top of the page to their website, Look for the contacts section.

  17. Zerocool

    Besides DJI Map, what is the official drone map used in Malaysia. For example, I know Kota Kinabalu forest area is restricted but still can fly if you pay for authorisation fee. DJI Map does not show it’s restricted area.

    For Singapore it’s ONE MAP.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Please check with CAAM (follow the links at the top of the page) which apps or websites provide official maps.

      1. Zerocool

        They do not seem to have a map according to them as they are “still working on it” which will take another few millions years.

        I read on this blog page that recreational drone user do not need a permit if you are flying for fun? Do you have the website linked that says so. So far I read even if you area recreational operator, you will still need to apply with CAAM and if your drone has a camera, you will need to apply with JUPEM.

        Each drone permit (below 20kg) cost RM$250 which last 3 months.

        For JUPEM, you need to pay RM$50 if your drone has a camera.

        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          Updated above. Thank you

  18. Jack

    I want to fly my drone named ‘Mavic Pro’ for leisure and take a picture about landscape.

    If I follow Further authorization, Can I fly drone without Drone permit??

    Thank you

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      If you stay within the allowed limits you should not require a permit

  19. Abu

    Dear experts,

    Am I allowed to fly Dji mini 2 (<250g) at Pulau Redang Terengganu?

  20. Ezza

    Hi merlin,

    I have drone model DJI Mini SE weight around 249g and I’m staying in kalansanan, Inanam, Sabah. Should I apply for permit even for fun used also. Please advise me, tq.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      A permit is not needed if you follow the limitations above. You could always get a permit to avoid complications.

  21. CJW

    Hi ,

    Im not any commercial use, i just have a trip to the island, but before the island i would like to practise how to use the drone. First time user, can i use the drone infront of any park nearer my house, the park would be less than 10person.

    Just an interested to drone, but im not sure where area is drone free?


    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Sounds like an unregulated use that should be ok. For a legal opinion plese contact the regulator

  22. Muhd Sufyan

    Hi All

    I need to find answer
    i hope you can help

    Is there any website to check where areas that cannot perform UAS flights.
    or can i use this website
    no fly zone
    near airport
    3°12’49.0″N 101°29’30.0″E (example)

    For drone less the 500 g for hobby flying need to apply or registration for example DJI mini 2.?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Muhd, please note the following:
      Where I can’t fly the UAS (applies to all types of UAS)?
      in Class A, B, C, or G airspace
      within an aerodrome traffic zone
      at the height of more than 400 feet above the surface of the earth
      UNLESS obtain an authorization from the Chief Executive Officer
      The DJI map is a good place to start.

      1. Muhd Sufyan


        Thank you for information you provide.
        i will use DJI map for start.

        I am confused by this reading

        A note for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Malaysia

        Do drones weighing less than 600 G need to be registered?
        – Use for hobbies only, not for agriculture
        – Be flown in an area that can be flown as in this location
        3 ° 28’22.9 “N 101 ° 13’53.1” E

        As an example

        1 DJI Mavic Air 2
        2 DJI Mini 2

        I don’t want to be on penalties.
        better follow guideline.

  23. Rina

    Our company intend to import complete sets of Drone and related parts for the assembly of drones. These model drones are designed for use in agriculture related project.
    The drones will be sold customers in Malaysia and possible opportunities be exported to other countries.
    We will act as importer of Drones, we are not the end user for these items.

    1. Shirley

      Dear Rina,
      Any documents required to import Drone about 11kg empty weight?

  24. Anthony Tay

    Dear Experts,

    May I know is there any restriction on Beyond Visual LOS mode of operations for drone in Malaysia? Or it is regarded the same as others?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      BVLOS is possible but requires CAAM authorization.

  25. Norshazril

    should I decide to buy a drone soon,
    which would be the next step?

    purpose of buying a drone :

    to take videos at the park ,in the woods and sometimes maybe at the beaches
    and also Im doing video production as well, so is there any ways that you can sum it all up in a simplified terms, that would be very much appreciated.


    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      We focus on drone laws. Look for a reputable site online providing information specifc to drone selection for commercial use.

  26. Stephen

    Is the airspace above the F1 sepang circuit considered within the aerodrome? Is there possible to get CAAM permit if to fly around that area? I have a second-hand phantom and does SIRIM certification required for the drone for permit application?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Stephen, please check directly with CAAM. Follow the links above to find contact information, and then please come back to share what you learned. Cheers

  27. KWN

    Hi, I was wondering if I am flying the drone in my own property to record video and use it for advertisement so I need to apply any permit ?

    And normally what’s the chances of it getting approved ?

    Thanks very much for advice and help

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      KWN we do not see any specific exemption for flying over your own property. We assume you will need a standard permit which is relatively easy to get.

  28. Adam

    Hi all, may I know is it legal if I fly my drone at a beach/resort area/tourist attraction just for few minutes for a photo? It wouldn’t exceed 1,000 people. And of course we will find a place that has nobody at all, and also at a park? DJI Mini 2, and maybe sometimes flying a drone at my housing area, provided all my neighbours allowed.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Adam, if you are not exceeding any of the limits provided by CAAM you should not require additional authorization. You should check with CAAM if you have any concerns.

  29. Ting

    Hi, if i were to take my DJI Mini 2 to a park in malaysia for recreation purpose. Do I need to apply for special permit? A crowded park could possible have crowds of more than 1000 people during weekend.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      You will need special authorization to fly over people.

  30. PUTRA

    HI Can I know which academy or which program to do a drone pilot license in Malaysia? it is DJI Academy UAS Pilot Training are for Drone Pilot License?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Putra, Look for a CAAM compliant course. Ask about their pass rate.
      We are not aware of any drone training schools that are owned by DJI and are not familiar with the capabilities of the one you mentioned.
      Maybe someone who has been through the program will leave feedback for you here.
      Please come back and tell us about your experience.
      Best wishes

  31. Chin Thung

    If i were to fly this kind of drone which weight below 15kg without load, do i need a permit?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      We recommend you follow the standard application process outlined above.

  32. warren

    Hi, I have completed European Drone License A1 to A3. Is that can be used here inMalaysia?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Warren, many countries will accept acceptable foreign licenses upon review. Follow the process to get approval to operate in Malaysia, and CAAM will review and give you specific guidance. When you have gone through the process, please come back here and share your experience.
      Best wishes

  33. Muhammed Eltelbany

    Hello all,
    I’m wondering if i’m a youtuber and I just want to fly the drone to take some fancy footage, do I need to obtain a license or get a permit for that? or just avoid what mentioned and fly it?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      If you are a YouTuber, your flight might fall under the commercial drone rules. You should follow the rules above, there are no exemptions for YouTubers.

      1. Muhammed Eltelbany

        Thanks Merlin

  34. Ng CN

    The list of “maneuvers” below is from your website. The sentence which precedes it says that further authorization is not required. Yet the sentence which immediately follows says that a licence is needed for any of them.
    Further authorization is not required for such drones if the following maneuvers are avoided:

    – From a weight of 20 kilograms, authorization is required.
    – …

    – Flights are permitted only during daylight hours.

    If you meet any of the criteria listed above, you will require a license from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA).
    Can we have this clarified?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Ng Thanks for the question.
      It’s unfortunate the way the law is written by the authorities.
      If you don’t do any of those during your flight (“following maneuvers are avoided”) you do not need authorization. So if you are under 20kg and flying during daylight hours and all the other criteria, then no authorization is required.
      If however, you will be “meeting any of the criteria” for example your flight will be “over crowds of more than 1,000 people in open spaces,” then you will need authorization.
      Hope that makes sense.
      If it continues to be confusing, we may add a clarification section. Let us know.

  35. Someone

    i have seen this drone wandering on top of the factory at night for days.
    is there any law that can protect us? because they seem to be intruding our privacy.
    or can i make a police report about this drone or whatsoever?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      There are privacy laws, or trespassing on private property regulations that might be appropriate here. You should speak with the local police.

      1. Someone

        i see, thank you so much!

        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          Wish you the best. Come back and tell us about your experience.

  36. pakden

    Salam to all,
    Has anyone apply for the permit for commercial use of UAS other than for mapping? e.g. agriculture

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      We are familiar with several drone service operations in Malaysia operating across multiple sectors. Yes agriculture, too.

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79 thoughts on “Drone Laws in Malaysia”

  1. I am an owner of the Hoverair X1 Pro in Kuala Lumpur

    I bought it online last few months. I have been taking a lot of footages with it for the past few months. It is an amazing flying camera or drones or whatever you may call it.

    Basically it can do all these: – On auto mode it can do Hover, follow, side track, dolly track, zoom in, zoom out, orbit 360 degrees rotations.
    On manual mode, it can fly to 120 meters distance maximum using a beacon and joystick control and battery last for 15 minutes maximum with 4k resolutions.
    In their advertisement (the company Zero Zero Robotics) mentioned it doesn’t requires license to fly. But I still want to know the real law in Malaysia.

    After I read all the rules on this website, I get confused.

    My question and my concern is, do I need a license?


    • We are not familiar with your specific drone, but if you are flying as a hobbyist your drone flights do not require a license. Follow the rules above. You can contact the regulator for a more precise answer

  2. Hello, i am foreigner.
    I want to use a selfie drone to shoot my family within a maximum radius of 10m around me, do I need approval?
    Also, if I need approval, can I pay RM250 even if I’m a foreigner and fly for up to 3 months?

  3. Hello,
    I am a Romanian citizen and I will spend my vacation in Malaysia at the end of May and I want to know if it is necessary and how to get a permit to fly a DJI Mini 3 Pro (under 250g) drone for recreational purposes. I will fly the drone VLOS and at the maximum altitude of 120 m. The locations chosen for the flights are in Langkawi island (in the permitted areas).
    Since I am a Romanian citizen, I hold certificate no. ROU-RP-qm9ppk2wshy9 to be able to fly drones from the A1/A3 Open Subcategory (issued in Romania and recognized throughout the European Union).
    Please let me know if it is necessary to register the drone or if other documents are needed to be able to fly for recreational purposes. The information on the websites of the Malaysian authorities about the flight of drones is very confusing.

    • Your drone must be approved for importation and you should check with the regulator (other agencies too depending on your drone operation).

  4. Hello,
    I just want to Know. It is Drone must have a permit if you want bring to Malaysia. My friends tell me that officer tell the Drone must have a permit from Sirim because that drone have a frecuency. This rule that custome officer tell to my friends. Can you give me more explanation about this.

    • There are a number of Government organizations responsible for regulating different aspects that might affect drone use in Malaysia. Additional information provided above.
      To bring a drone in to Malaysia, it must be import approved. Most commercially available drones such as the readily available DJI versions are approved. For more details check with he regulator and other sources above.

    • We don’t see any exemptions for tiny drones, so we would follow the permitting rules. Please check with the regulator

  5. Our company intend to import complete sets of Drone and related parts for the assembly of drones. These model drones are designed for use in agriculture related project.
    The drones will be sold customers in Malaysia and possible opportunities be exported to other countries.
    We will act as importer of Drones, we are not the end user for these items.
    May I know any permit we need to apply as importer ?

  6. First of all, thank you for this comprehensive guide.
    I will be backpacking through Malaysia (>1 month) with my DJI mini 3 pro (personal use) and am looking into how to obtain the proper authorization. However, since I will be backpacking, the places I will visit and thus fly are not yet fully known. Filling out the ‘ flight planning of operation area’ is therefore also not possible.
    Furthermore, how can I obtain the SIRIM UAS certification number?
    The form seems quite comprehensive to me, so any help is appreciated.
    I emailed CAAM already (15-2-24), but haven’t got a reply yet. I thought maybe you could help.
    Thank you in advance!

    • Reaching out to the regulator is the best place to start. We also recommend finding a local organization, maybe it’s your tour company, travel guide, or drone enthusiasts club in the area you are visiting.

  7. For a flight with a camera for example the Mavic Air and in an area where there are no restrictions to fly, do you have to request the standard authorization? I am a bit confusing but it seems that if you have to ask for authorization

    • Contact CAAM if you want to verify the specific circumstances. It is our understanding that you will require a standard authorization.

    • Hello 🙂 planning to visit Malaysia in August for 2 weeks and want to take my Dji mini 3 pro with me. I have contacted CAAM and Jupem however I am having a difficulty understanding what I have to do. I filled the form and send it to them , however jupem told me Permit applications can only be applied for by Malaysian citizens..
      don’t know what to do

  8. Hi All,
    When I read the regulation thoroughly for Small Unmanned Aircraft System shouldn’t be that complicated compare to Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft System.
    142. Small unmanned aircraft
    (1) The person in charge of a small unmanned aircraft may fly the small unmanned aircraft if he is satisfied that the flight can safely be made.
    (2) The person in charge of a small unmanned aircraft shall maintain direct and unaided visual contact with such small unmanned aircraft sufficient to monitor its flight path in relation to other aircrafts, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions.

    So my opinion, as long as we don’t perform any surveillance activity, if we only fly for hobby we don’t have to apply any permit from CAAM.

    Do you think my opinion is correct?

    • You may require a standard authorization to fly depending on the parameters of your flight.
      Permits are generally required for drones under 20kg. Registration may not be required.

  9. Hi can i know where i can simply fly drone and take footage of putrajaya or in KL. May i know all putajaya is a no fly zone or certain area is a no fly zone. Where can i get the map zone on which fly area can be used. Im only using mini 2 se. Thank you

  10. Hi, I just want to fly to Gaya Island Resort. Non-commercial use, belonging to personal entertainment (photographing and filming). Do I need to apply for a certificate?
    Drone: DJI MINI 3 PRO

    If i need to apply, I have send a email application on 5/16/2023, but I haven’t received a reply yet, and I don’t know where to pay the fee
    my email is:

    • Delivery using drones will require approval and authorization by the regulators (see link at the top of the page for the regulator)

  11. hi merlin,
    something you can share with your followers

    the regulation on recreation and personal use drone, is not soo much on the usage (piloting of the drone)
    but mostly because of (some of) the reason below
    – entering of airspace (act 5, civil aviation act 1969)
    – Akta Kawasan Larangan Dan Tempat Larangan (Akta 298)
    – PDPA (when you have camera)
    and of course. risk to people on ground
    (thats why they require SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment)

    the authority treat drone as it impose the same type of risk as actual aircraft

    if we can promote good airmanship among drone operator, it may reduce the risk and give confidence to the authority give more operator freedom

    aircraft maintenance instructor
    air accident investigator

  12. To anyone who owns a drone; please be respectful of other peoples privacy / space and ask for consent before taking their videos close up! Thank you.

  13. Hi Admin,
    I would like to let you know on your updated on UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Malaysia
    Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Malaysia:
    You must maintain 4.5 kilometers (3 miles) from airports and heliports.

    According to CIVIL AVIATION DIRECTIVE – 6011 PART (II) Chapter 4.1.1 (0)
    All operations must be conducted beyond 9.26km from an aerodrome and
    only in Class G airspace.

    So its actually 5 nautical miles = 9.26 km

    Thank you

  14. Hello, I am a beginner to the drone world. I would like to know if it is possible to use a camera drone such as dji mini 2 or dji spark in my residential area and park (both have less than 1000 people) to take photos of my family and my friends for purely me and them not for anything commercial. I want to get a drone for this purposes but I am confused if I need to pay rm250 for the authorisation process every single time. Please help me!!!

    • Michelle, according to our understanding of the rgulations, your recreational use oif a drone still requires a standard authorization to fly. We would suggest you get in contact with the regulator following the links at the top of the page to their website, Look for the contacts section.

  15. Besides DJI Map, what is the official drone map used in Malaysia. For example, I know Kota Kinabalu forest area is restricted but still can fly if you pay for authorisation fee. DJI Map does not show it’s restricted area.

    For Singapore it’s ONE MAP.

    • Please check with CAAM (follow the links at the top of the page) which apps or websites provide official maps.

      • They do not seem to have a map according to them as they are “still working on it” which will take another few millions years.

        I read on this blog page that recreational drone user do not need a permit if you are flying for fun? Do you have the website linked that says so. So far I read even if you area recreational operator, you will still need to apply with CAAM and if your drone has a camera, you will need to apply with JUPEM.

        Each drone permit (below 20kg) cost RM$250 which last 3 months.

        For JUPEM, you need to pay RM$50 if your drone has a camera.

  16. I want to fly my drone named ‘Mavic Pro’ for leisure and take a picture about landscape.

    If I follow Further authorization, Can I fly drone without Drone permit??

    Thank you

  17. Hi merlin,

    I have drone model DJI Mini SE weight around 249g and I’m staying in kalansanan, Inanam, Sabah. Should I apply for permit even for fun used also. Please advise me, tq.

    • A permit is not needed if you follow the limitations above. You could always get a permit to avoid complications.

  18. Hi ,

    Im not any commercial use, i just have a trip to the island, but before the island i would like to practise how to use the drone. First time user, can i use the drone infront of any park nearer my house, the park would be less than 10person.

    Just an interested to drone, but im not sure where area is drone free?


  19. Hi All

    I need to find answer
    i hope you can help

    Is there any website to check where areas that cannot perform UAS flights.
    or can i use this website
    no fly zone
    near airport
    3°12’49.0″N 101°29’30.0″E (example)

    For drone less the 500 g for hobby flying need to apply or registration for example DJI mini 2.?

    • Muhd, please note the following:
      Where I can’t fly the UAS (applies to all types of UAS)?
      in Class A, B, C, or G airspace
      within an aerodrome traffic zone
      at the height of more than 400 feet above the surface of the earth
      UNLESS obtain an authorization from the Chief Executive Officer
      The DJI map is a good place to start.

      • hi

        Thank you for information you provide.
        i will use DJI map for start.

        I am confused by this reading

        A note for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Malaysia

        Do drones weighing less than 600 G need to be registered?
        – Use for hobbies only, not for agriculture
        – Be flown in an area that can be flown as in this location
        3 ° 28’22.9 “N 101 ° 13’53.1” E

        As an example

        1 DJI Mavic Air 2
        2 DJI Mini 2

        I don’t want to be on penalties.
        better follow guideline.

  20. Our company intend to import complete sets of Drone and related parts for the assembly of drones. These model drones are designed for use in agriculture related project.
    The drones will be sold customers in Malaysia and possible opportunities be exported to other countries.
    We will act as importer of Drones, we are not the end user for these items.

  21. Dear Experts,

    May I know is there any restriction on Beyond Visual LOS mode of operations for drone in Malaysia? Or it is regarded the same as others?

  22. Hi,
    should I decide to buy a drone soon,
    which would be the next step?

    purpose of buying a drone :

    to take videos at the park ,in the woods and sometimes maybe at the beaches
    and also Im doing video production as well, so is there any ways that you can sum it all up in a simplified terms, that would be very much appreciated.


    • We focus on drone laws. Look for a reputable site online providing information specifc to drone selection for commercial use.

  23. Is the airspace above the F1 sepang circuit considered within the aerodrome? Is there possible to get CAAM permit if to fly around that area? I have a second-hand phantom and does SIRIM certification required for the drone for permit application?

    • Stephen, please check directly with CAAM. Follow the links above to find contact information, and then please come back to share what you learned. Cheers

  24. Hi, I was wondering if I am flying the drone in my own property to record video and use it for advertisement so I need to apply any permit ?

    And normally what’s the chances of it getting approved ?

    Thanks very much for advice and help

    • KWN we do not see any specific exemption for flying over your own property. We assume you will need a standard permit which is relatively easy to get.

  25. Hi all, may I know is it legal if I fly my drone at a beach/resort area/tourist attraction just for few minutes for a photo? It wouldn’t exceed 1,000 people. And of course we will find a place that has nobody at all, and also at a park? DJI Mini 2, and maybe sometimes flying a drone at my housing area, provided all my neighbours allowed.

    • Adam, if you are not exceeding any of the limits provided by CAAM you should not require additional authorization. You should check with CAAM if you have any concerns.

  26. Hi, if i were to take my DJI Mini 2 to a park in malaysia for recreation purpose. Do I need to apply for special permit? A crowded park could possible have crowds of more than 1000 people during weekend.

  27. HI Can I know which academy or which program to do a drone pilot license in Malaysia? it is DJI Academy UAS Pilot Training are for Drone Pilot License?

    • Putra, Look for a CAAM compliant course. Ask about their pass rate.
      We are not aware of any drone training schools that are owned by DJI and are not familiar with the capabilities of the one you mentioned.
      Maybe someone who has been through the program will leave feedback for you here.
      Please come back and tell us about your experience.
      Best wishes

    • Warren, many countries will accept acceptable foreign licenses upon review. Follow the process to get approval to operate in Malaysia, and CAAM will review and give you specific guidance. When you have gone through the process, please come back here and share your experience.
      Best wishes

  28. Hello all,
    I’m wondering if i’m a youtuber and I just want to fly the drone to take some fancy footage, do I need to obtain a license or get a permit for that? or just avoid what mentioned and fly it?

  29. The list of “maneuvers” below is from your website. The sentence which precedes it says that further authorization is not required. Yet the sentence which immediately follows says that a licence is needed for any of them.
    Further authorization is not required for such drones if the following maneuvers are avoided:

    – From a weight of 20 kilograms, authorization is required.
    – …

    – Flights are permitted only during daylight hours.

    If you meet any of the criteria listed above, you will require a license from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA).
    Can we have this clarified?

    • Ng Thanks for the question.
      It’s unfortunate the way the law is written by the authorities.
      If you don’t do any of those during your flight (“following maneuvers are avoided”) you do not need authorization. So if you are under 20kg and flying during daylight hours and all the other criteria, then no authorization is required.
      If however, you will be “meeting any of the criteria” for example your flight will be “over crowds of more than 1,000 people in open spaces,” then you will need authorization.
      Hope that makes sense.
      If it continues to be confusing, we may add a clarification section. Let us know.

  30. Hi,
    i have seen this drone wandering on top of the factory at night for days.
    is there any law that can protect us? because they seem to be intruding our privacy.
    or can i make a police report about this drone or whatsoever?


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