Kazakhstan Flag - Kazakhstan Drone Laws

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Drone Laws in Kazakhstan

Summary of Drone Laws in Kazakhstan

Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of Kazakhstan

Drone Operations in Kazakhstan are currently regulated.

  • Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in Kazakhstan
  • Hobbyist Kazakhstan drone pilot license is not required
  • Hobbyist Drone registration is required in Kazakhstan for hobbyists
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Kazakhstan for hobbyists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations in Kazakhstan

Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in Kazakhstan and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of Kazakhstan

Drone Operations in Kazakhstan are currently regulated.

  • Commercial drone flights are allowed in Kazakhstan
  • Commercial Kazakhstan drone pilot license is required
  • Commercial Drone registration is required in Kazakhstan for commercial drone operators
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Kazakhstan for Commercial Drone Operators
  • Drone Insurance is not required for commercial drone operations in Kazakhstan

Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in Kazakhstan and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Visitors To Kazakhstan

Drone Operations in Kazakhstan are currently regulated.

  • Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in Kazakhstan
  • Foreign visitor drone pilot license is not required
  • Drone registration is required in Kazakhstan for visitors/tourists
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Kazakhstan for tourists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in Kazakhstan

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Kazakhstan for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Government Drone Operators in Kazakhstan

Drone Operations in Kazakhstan are currently regulated.

  • Government drone flights are allowed in Kazakhstan
  • Government drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required in Kazakhstan for Government operations
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Kazakhstan for Government operations
  • Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations in Kazakhstan

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Kazakhstan for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Drone Regulator in Kazakhstan: Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure (CAC)

Contact Information

If you need additional details we have not covered or specific case help, contact the Civil Aviation Committee at:

  • Address: 010000, Аstana, Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, 32/1
  • Phone: Office – 8 (7172) 57-21-57 Helpline – 8 (7172) 57-21-09
  • Email: caa@miid.gov.kz or cac.lib@miid.gov.kz (we have received some reports that these emails are not working, but do not have alternatives)

Please continue reading for more details on Kazakhstan Drone Laws.

UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Kazakhstan

The Kazakh agency responsible for drone safety, CAC, has provided several internet-accessible details on flying for fun or work. The highlights are enumerated below. For more details, go to the link above.

Are drones allowed in Kazakhstan?

According to CAC, drone use is allowed in Kazakhstan, subject to CAC regulations. Read on for more details.

Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Kazakhstan:

  • You must register your drone (see procedure below)
  • UAVs must not be operated closer than 150 meters horizontally from a crowd of people and vehicles.
  • During take-off and landing, the UAV must be more than 50 meters from vehicles, buildings, structures, or any person (except the operator)
  • During the flight, the UAV must be more than 100 meters horizontally from vehicles, buildings, structures, or people (except for the operator)

Open Category

Flights do not require permission if the following rules are followed:

  • Flown at or below 50 meters
  • Flights are outside populated areas of cities and towns
  • No closer than 5.5 km from any airfield
  • Flown within visual line of sight
  • Does not carry any cargo or drop materials from the drone
  • The pilot must be familiar with the rules on the use of UAVs.

Specific Category – Getting permission to fly over Congested Areas in Kazakhstan

  1. Complete training specified by CAC
  2. Get a certificate of successful completion
  3. Get a remote pilot certificate from CAC which covers flights over congested areas for five years.
  4. Register your drone
  5. Get permits from CAC, which covers flights over congested areas for five years.
    • This applies to UAVs from 250 grams to 1.5 kg.
    • Send your application with a copy of your ID card and certificate of completion of initial training to frontoffice@caakx.com
    • The review will take 15 days.
  6. Develop instructions for the UAV operations and get approval from the Military ATC center.
  7. Submit your flight plan and get the permit.

How to register a drone in Kazakhstan?

For UAV recording, a registration request is required. Apply for registration with the following documents attached:

  1. A copy of the founding document (for foreign legal entities) or identity document (for foreign individuals);
  2. A copy of the Sales agreement or other document confirming the right of ownership or a court decision;
  3. A copy of the Rent agreement, leasing, property hire agreement, and other document confirming the right to use UAVs;
  4. A copy of the manufacturer’s document describing the characteristics of the unmanned aircraft system (maximum take-off weight, maximum speed, maximum flying height, maximum flight time, channel control, flight range, control range);
  5. The UAV’s type and serial (factory) number, engine number, and control station number (if there is a number for each). If there is a foreign pilot (include their passport image);
  6. A copy of a type certificate or other document confirming compliance with the standards of the state of the UAV developer or manufacturer;
  7. One or more contrasting and clear photographs of the UAV, control station (if exists), and serial number;
  8. A certificate of UAV exclusion (if the UAV was registered in a foreign state) from the registry of a foreign state;
  9. Confirmation of the applicant in a handwritten form about the absence of military service and no bugs are carried on the UAV.

Documents with a cover letter should be sent for registration to the electronic address  cac.lib@miid.gov.kz or caa@miid.gov.kz

CAC accepts the application by providing the Applicant’s identity document.

When submitting an application by e-mail (cac.lib@miid.gov.kz or caa@miid.gov.kz), the signed application (PDF format) is certified by the EDS (individual or legal entity) through the signature and verification service of electronic documents (https://ezsigner.kz/#!/main).

The application is in docx format is sent to the authorized organization.

If you have questions about UAV registration or process, contact the Aircraft Registry Unit.

Registration is valid for 30 working days.

You should submit the form at least ten working days in advance to allow for the processing of your information by local authorities.

Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Kazakhstan

See the general rules above

Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in Kazakhstan

Specific Category – Getting permission for aerial work in Kazakhstan

  1. Complete training specified by CAC
  2. Get a certificate of successful completion
  3. Get a remote pilot certificate from CAC which covers aerial work for one year.
  4. Register your drone
  5. Get permits from CAC which covers aerial work for one year
    • Send the following documents to the CAC:
      • Valid certificates for remote pilots for aerial work (see below)
      • Certificate of registration of the UAV
      • Flight Operation Manual
      • Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition
    • The review will take 15 days.
  6. Develop instructions for the UAV operations and get approval from the Military ATC center.
  7. Submit your flight plan and get the permit.

How to get a remote pilot’s certificate for commercial flights in Kazakhstan?

  • Send your application to CAC with the following:
    • a copy of your ID card
    • certificate of completion of initial training
    • Two photographs 3.5×4.5
    • Medical certificates: – form (086), -psychoneurology, -narcology
    • Certificate of non-criminal record
  • The review will take 15 days.

Useful published information on flying drones in Kazakhstan

Here is a sample of what you might expect if you follow the drone laws and fly in Kazakhstan…

Authoritative Sources of Information on Kazakhstan Drone Laws

We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:

NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.

Find out why

We think you must use a Drone Preflight Checklist

And a Drone Post-flight checklist

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Traveling with a Drone?

Click here to read our Comprehensive Guide For Traveling With A Drone.


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12 responses to “Drone Laws in Kazakhstan”

  1. Rifat

    Hey I have a Mavic Mini 3 which is below 250gm ! Weight is 249g to be exact . I will be travelling Kazaksthan for a week with that . I will be flying the drone as well . So do I need to register my drone considering it’s below 250g . And if I need to register then what are the documents I will be needing ? Above mentioned instructions is a broader instruction . I am asking for a specific instruction for my 249g drone . Thanks in Advance.

    1. Editorial Team

      Please contact the regulator or Aircraft Registry Unit.

  2. Sayod

    Здравствуйте, можно ли привезти дрон в Казахстан без регистрации? Я не собираюсь летать на дроне в Казахстане, потому что это всего лишь остановка перед поездкой в ​​Таджикистан . Потом я поеду в Таджикистан

    1. Editorial Team

      For stopovers generally if flying in and out of the same airport, the customs will either allow you to keep the drone or will hold it for you. However, this does not always work. You may wish to check with your airline, or the regulator.

  3. Intan S.

    Hi, can i bring a drone to kazakhstan without registration? I don’t intend to fly a drone in Kazakhstan because it’s only a stopover before I go to Kyrgyzstan by roadtrip.

    1. Editorial Team

      Intan, we suggest you contact the regulators. Perhaps someone on here with expereience can also comment.

  4. Andres

    The two mentioned emails (cac.lib@miid.gov.kz or caa@miid.gov.kz) arent working, and your email is sent back to you, so i dont know how to apply for register the drone in Kazakhstan…

    1. Editorial Team

      Andres, these emails are still showing as official contacts for the regulator. We suggest you try contacting them by phone (see above). Please let us know what you find.

  5. Nico Brand

    Hi, Under a Commercial UAV operation “Do a UAV pilot need to keep a Flight hour Logbook” and is it part of the current AAK Drone regulation.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      We don’t have any specific information about a logbook being required. However, its a best practice to keep one for commercial operations and highly recommended

  6. Andy

    Medical form to get a remote pilot’s certificate for commercial flights in Kazakhstan is 086, not 075, then you also need the other two as well, -psychoneurology, -narcology. Initial training must be AAK approved.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Andy, thanks for the update. Please note that the infographic shown on the regulators’ website needs to be updated (it says 075). We have made the change above.

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12 thoughts on “Drone Laws in Kazakhstan”

  1. Hey I have a Mavic Mini 3 which is below 250gm ! Weight is 249g to be exact . I will be travelling Kazaksthan for a week with that . I will be flying the drone as well . So do I need to register my drone considering it’s below 250g . And if I need to register then what are the documents I will be needing ? Above mentioned instructions is a broader instruction . I am asking for a specific instruction for my 249g drone . Thanks in Advance.

  2. Здравствуйте, можно ли привезти дрон в Казахстан без регистрации? Я не собираюсь летать на дроне в Казахстане, потому что это всего лишь остановка перед поездкой в ​​Таджикистан . Потом я поеду в Таджикистан

    • For stopovers generally if flying in and out of the same airport, the customs will either allow you to keep the drone or will hold it for you. However, this does not always work. You may wish to check with your airline, or the regulator.

  3. Hi, can i bring a drone to kazakhstan without registration? I don’t intend to fly a drone in Kazakhstan because it’s only a stopover before I go to Kyrgyzstan by roadtrip.

    • Andres, these emails are still showing as official contacts for the regulator. We suggest you try contacting them by phone (see above). Please let us know what you find.

  4. Hi, Under a Commercial UAV operation “Do a UAV pilot need to keep a Flight hour Logbook” and is it part of the current AAK Drone regulation.

    • We don’t have any specific information about a logbook being required. However, its a best practice to keep one for commercial operations and highly recommended

  5. Medical form to get a remote pilot’s certificate for commercial flights in Kazakhstan is 086, not 075, then you also need the other two as well, -psychoneurology, -narcology. Initial training must be AAK approved.

    • Andy, thanks for the update. Please note that the infographic shown on the regulators’ website needs to be updated (it says 075). We have made the change above.


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