Jordan Flag - Jordan Drone Laws

Editorial Team


Drone Laws in Jordan

Summary of Drone Laws in Jordan

Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of Jordan

Drone Operations in Jordan are currently regulated.

  • Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in Jordan
  • Hobbyist Jordan drone pilot license is not required
  • Hobbyist Drone registration/authorization is required in Jordan for hobbyists
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Jordan for hobbyists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations in Jordan

Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in Jordan and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of Jordan

Drone Operations in Jordan are currently regulated.

  • Commercial drone flights are allowed in Jordan
  • Commercial Jordan drone pilot license is not required
  • Commercial Drone registration/authorization is required in Jordan for commercial drone operators
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Jordan for Commercial Drone Operators
  • Drone Insurance is not required for commercial drone operations in Jordan

Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in Jordan and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Visitors To Jordan

Drone Operations in Jordan are currently regulated.

  • Foreign visitor drone flights are unclear in Jordan
  • Foreign visitor drone pilot license is not applicable
  • Drone registration/authorization is required in Jordan for visitors/tourists
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Jordan for tourists
  • Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in Jordan

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Jordan for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Drone Laws For Government Drone Operators in Jordan

Drone Operations in Jordan are currently regulated.

  • Government drone flights are allowed in Jordan
  • Government drone pilot license is required
  • Drone registration is required in Jordan for Government operations
  • Drone Remote ID is not required in Jordan for Government operations
  • Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations in Jordan

Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Jordan for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!

Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Drone Regulator in Jordan: Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission of Jordan (CARC)

UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Jordan

The Jordanian agency responsible for drone safety, CARC, has provided several internet-accessible details on flying for fun or work. The highlights are enumerated below. For more details, go to the link above.

Are drones allowed in Jordan?

According to CARC, drone use is allowed in Jordan, subject to CARC regulations. Read on for more details.

Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Jordan:

  • The CARC requires that all drones be registered. 
  • Flight applications must be submitted to the CARC ten working days before the proposed flight date to allow the Ministry of Interior to coordinate with the Royal Jordanian Air Force and Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission. 
  • Outside of pre-approved locations, fly no further than a 500-meter radius. 
  • Outside of pre-approved flight times, do not fly. 
  • Never exceed 400 feet in altitude. 
  • The maximum duration of a drone flight is three hours. 
  • The maximum weight of a drone is 25 kilograms (55 pounds). 
  • Operators of drones must be at least 21 years old and have received adequate training. 
  • Drone operators must possess liability insurance.

How to get approval to fly a drone in Jordan?

Jordanian Civil Aviation simplified the process with an online form: Drone Operations Application Approval Form.

To complete it, you must provide your personal information and details about your drone and flight operations so local authorities can review them. 

You will be required to submit the following: 

  • A copy of your passport,
  • Proof of insurance, 
  • A copy of your training or qualifications (license, school training & flight logs). 

You should submit the form at least ten working days in advance to allow for the processing of your information by local authorities.

Note For Foreign Operators Wishing To Fly Drones in Jordan

Please note that most of the material on this page is for Jordanian citizens’ reference. We have been told that many foreign travelers have had their drones confiscated at the airport. We recommend you contact the regulator before traveling to Jordan and follow any instructions to allow you to import a drone into Jordan correctly.

Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Jordan

Before taking off on any flight, you must obtain permission. 

To qualify, you must be at least 21 years old and possess relevant training or qualifications. Additionally, you’ll need insurance and adhere to some basic flight rules to operate your drone in Jordan. 

You must always fly: 

  • Fly below the maximum altitude of 121 meters above the ground and a maximum distance of 500 meters from you. 
  • Keep a safe distance from private property, moving vehicles, people, and large crowds, and respect individuals’ privacy. 
  • Maximum flight duration of three hours.
  • Fly a drone that weighs less than 25 kg, has electric motors, and is equipped with geofencing and electronic identification.
  • Stay away from airports (or any other location where aircraft or helicopters take off or land) and make way for all other aircraft types. 
  • Stay away from areas where drone use could jeopardize the work of law enforcement or first responders. 
  • Avoid areas deemed sensitive, such as government or military facilities.

Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in Jordan

Before taking off on any flight, you must obtain permission. 

To qualify, you must be at least 21 years old and possess relevant training or qualifications. Additionally, you’ll need insurance and adhere to some basic flight rules to operate your drone in Jordan. 

You must always fly: 

  • Fly below the maximum altitude of 121 meters above the ground and a maximum distance of 500 meters from you. 
  • Keep a safe distance from private property, moving vehicles, people, and large crowds, and respect individuals’ privacy. 
  • Maximum flight duration of three hours.
  • Fly a drone that weighs less than 25 kg, has electric motors, and is equipped with geofencing and electronic identification.
  • Stay away from airports (or any other location where aircraft or helicopters take off or land) and make way for all other aircraft types. 
  • Stay away from areas where drone use could jeopardize the work of law enforcement or first responders. 
  • Avoid areas deemed sensitive, such as government or military facilities.

Useful published information on flying drones in Jordan

Here is a sample of what you might expect if you follow the drone laws and fly in Jordan…

Authoritative Sources of Information on Jordan Drone Laws

We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:

NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.

Find out why

We think you must use a Drone Preflight Checklist

And a Drone Post-flight checklist

Free Drone Flight Checklist PDF

This Drone Flight Checklist is better than others.

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It includes both the preflight checklist and post-flight checklist

It’s an easy-to-use printable PDF that covers all your bases.

Traveling with a Drone?

Click here to read our Comprehensive Guide For Traveling With A Drone.


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49 responses to “Drone Laws in Jordan”

  1. Ramez

    Hi, I’m thinking of buying a drone, which is more of a flying toy, for my children who are in Jordan. It looks like a remote-controlled plane, but instead of wings and a tail, it has propellers. Are these also prohibited? Do I have to register for a drone (toy) of this type even though it doesn’t even reach 20 meters in height? I appreciate any information.

    1. Editorial Team

      We do not have any specific information about Remote Controlled Planes (RC) or toy drone exemptions. Please contact CARC directly for a precise answer

  2. Amman


  3. Andrea


    I’m Andrea from Hungary, Europe.
    I’m traveling to Jordan in this month. I’d like to fly a drone and for permission I need a good insurance. Unfortunately my insurance valid only in Europe.
    Could you help me please?

    Thank you so much


  4. Andrea

    I’m traveling to Jordan in the end of January.
    I would like to insure my drone for my permisson because my insurance valid in EU.
    Could you be so kind to recommend an insurance company?
    Thank you so much

  5. Alice

    Hey guys, I am flying to Jordan in a month and based on reading the instructions here I have messaged the Ministry of Interior and CARC to ask them how to register it. I got answer from both within a day. Here is the full message from CARC:
    Greetings ,

    kindly note that an approval need to be obtained from the Ministry of Interior prior to any other action taken by any entity to enable you to bring or fly a Drone in Jordan. Accordingly CARC will not be able to provide any assistance in this regard at the moment.

    The Jordanian Ministry of Interior website address is: ( .

    Also , Kindly find the requirements published on CARC’s official site: .

    noting that you shall submit your request to the Ministry of Interior.

    And the Ministry of Interior just sent me bunch of links. So I have registered to the system where you can register your applications. However, there is nothing as a “drone registration” I have searched for it and couldn’t find anything.

    Has anyone actually done it before and has more information than “you have to register with ministry” ?? How are you actually supposed to do the registration? I have messaged them back with the pdf from CARC asking how to properly register and no answer and I am worried it will stay like that since there is no info / registration about it online and from searching through different forums I haven’t found anyone who actually did it properly. Any tips please?



    1. Pedro

      Hi Alice, how are you doing?

      Happy new year!

      I would love to know if you were able to get the approval from the CARC or the Jordanian Ministry of Interior.

      I am going to Jordan in the last week of February and I have already everything done to send over.

      Can you give me some update about your situation?

      Thank you very much



    2. Domi

      Hi Alice,

      I’d like to know if you got any answers and if you were able to take your drone to Jordan (in case you took it with you in the end).
      Thanks in advance!


  6. Giovanni

    I would like to visit Petra later this year and I would like to use my Dji Mini 3 Pro drone. Is it allowed in Petra?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Please check with the regulator.

      1. Giovanni

        Do I have to send an email to a specific address?

        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          Please check their website for the latest email addresses and phone numbers. We have provided the general email previously, see previous questions and answers.

  7. Marc

    Interesting post! I’m planning a 10 days trip to Jordan from Spain on October and I usually bring my Mavic Air with me. I have no license or anything similar, but I always fly when there is no one near and out from important places (landscapes basically). How can I manage to bring in my drone in Jordan? Do they ask to have the permission before entering to the country?

    Thank you!

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Marc, the regulator in Jordan requires all drones to be registered, and you will need permission to take the drone into Jordan. See above for more details, and check out the regulator website.

    2. Karthik P

      Hi Marc

      Could you please share how you got along with the Drone in Jordan? I too have a Mavic Air 2S and normally carry it every where I go following all the rules. I haven’t been able to contact Carc or submit the form as the website is not working at the time of writing.
      I am very skeptical about losing my drone there and not being thoroughly searched for it.

  8. Francesco

    on June 7th I have sent a email at the address to request the permission for bring my drone with me.
    I have not received a reply yet. I will arrive in Jordan on June 18th. Is the address where I sent the request correct?
    I found it at
    Is it possible to write or call someone?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Francesco, you were on the correct page of the website. There are some phone numbers also listed there, and a general email listed as

    2. Sean

      Can you please advise how you got on to asking your drone to Jordan?

    3. Fabio

      Apparently they will never reply unless you are a film company or national tv

  9. Mohammad


    Im Mohammad. I have planned a holiday as a tourist in Jordan. I am in the process of applying for permission to take my drone with me. I therefore want to hear if it is a requirement to have liability insurance for a DJI MACVIC MINI which weighs 249 grams. In Denmark, Werge I come from, it’s not a requirement to have insurance for drones under 250 grams, and the liability insurance available only applies in Denmark.

    Can I still take my drone with me to Jordan?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Mohammad, the Jordanian regulations do not show an exemption for you drone. You will have to follow the rules specified to get approval, including proof of insurance.

      1. Giorgio Savino

        Hello, i have the same drone (DJI MACVIC MINI which weighs 249 grams) and i will arrive in Jordan the last week of august. I have a liability insurance but i don’t have a specific patent because in italy it is not necessary for drone under 250 grams.
        Is it sufficient the log of the flights to prove my experience? I am using drone for two years?
        thankyou for the attention


        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          Giorgio, flight logs are an acceptable means of proof of experience. However, the authorities are not always predictable, so keep that in mind.

  10. Wouter

    QUESTION regarding Regreational use of a small drone in the dessert (so the non-crowded areas)

    Hi all!

    I’m travelling to Jordan May 10th. Id like to bring my small DJA Spark drone by plane (with batteries in fire safe LiPo bag).

    What do I really need in order to
    – bring it by plane and
    – use the drone in areas like the dessert (during our camp tour)?

    Perhaps you have some advice! Do I really need training or certificates and so on?

    Thanks in advance:)

  11. rasheed

    Honestly, this seems like too much headache. Does anybody know a drone operator in Jordan that I can book for the day? That will just solve all my issues. Instead of trying to bring my drone into the country and possibly going to jail and creating an international incident.

  12. massimo

    good morning, i don’t find the address for send the CARC Form25-0010.
    many thanks.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Massimo, please see contact information for CARC AT THIS LINK:

  13. Thad

    Has anyone ever gotten a drone into Jordan for recreational usage? If so, please share how you did it

  14. Carol


    My name is Carol, and im going to Jordan next Friday, i have a drone and i would like to ask where can i put my drone because i dont have insurance until now. I dont want somebody take out in the airport, so there is any option to pay and leave my drone 4 days in the airport and when i come back i pick it up? Because i go from Hungary to Jordan after from Jordan to Cyprus.

    Thank you your answer


    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Carol, we understand that as a courtesy to transit travelers, Jordan Customs will hold your drone at your arrival airport and you can pick it up when you are departing. You must declare that you are traveling with a drone and explain you are traveling to another country after your vacation in Jordan.
      Come back and tell us about your experience.
      Best wishes

    2. Sean

      Hi Carol,

      Please can you advise how you got with your travels, were you able to leave your drone at the airport?


  15. Lukas Margesin

    im a licensed drone pilot from Italy. I will be traveling to Jordan in a week from now on a very spontaneous trip. I’ve read about sending the application 10 days prior to arrival and I’m way past that already. Do you think there is a way to still get the approval to bring my drone? Which entity should I contact. I’ve just sent an Email to CARC.
    I am really late so im not that optimistic.
    What do you think?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Lukas, you did the right thing contacting CARC. Hopefully, they are responsive and get back to you in time. Let us know how that works out.

  16. Kevin Reilly

    I’m currently in the midst of the approval process for a trip from 11/4 to 11/20.

    You may be interested to know that the CARC is not the entity to start with. I am a recreational user, so I don’t know the coordinates, nor exact dates and times that I will want to fly my drone. I just want to get some aerial footage of our vacation. So, I emailed the CARC and was told that I first need to get approval from the Ministry of Interior.

    I emailed the MOI a week ago, and haven’t heard back yet. I have also emailed the Jordan Travel Board, and the Jordanian Embassy in DC in hopes of locating an actual person or department to contact.

    If you guys have any suggestions on what else to try, I’m all ears.

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Kevin, thanks for sharing your experience thus far. The Jordanian authorities have not provided any clear path for foreign operators wishing to fly a drone in Jordan. Worse, the CARC website periodically goes offline (as I am writing it’s offline due to exceeding bandwidth).
      Responses from the Ministries can be slow, especially when there are no regulations in place for what you are requesting. Try messaging the MOI Facebook account to see if you get a response there.
      Please let us know how it works out so we can share it with others. Thanks

      1. Kevin Reilly

        Yeah, I had the same experience with the CARC website. At the moment it is back up and running.

        The Tourist Board suggested contacting the Royal Film Commission (who I had already emailed once). So today, I sent second emails to MOI and the Film Commission. Per your suggestion, I also sent a message to the MOI’s Facebook account. I’m not particularly optimistic about that one though, since they haven’t posted since 2015. 😉

        I gotta tell ya – it is becoming pretty frustrating. I started this process nearly a month before our trip, and so far I’ve made zero headway. It is starting to dawn on me that I’m probably going to have to leave my drone at home. Which is a real problem.

        I’ll keep you posted.

        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          Thanks, Kevin. The Jordanian customs are quite strict and without the proper authorization before arrival, we agree with leaving the drone at home, unfortunately. Keeping our fingers crossed that you do hear back from one of those Ministries.

        2. Dominik

          Same experience unfortunately :-/ I had tried to write them, call them, write on Facebook. Nothing works. The only aswer I got is from CARC that I need to contact the ministry of interior.

          Nice to see the bureaucracy works exactly the same aroud the world….

    2. Niall

      Hi Kevin,
      Hope all is well.
      Just wondering if you did ever get your drone through?

      Many Thanks

  17. PERRET

    Hello, I don’t have any permit and I won’t arrive and leave from the same airport.. Is there a way to leave it somewhere? I’m going from and to a different country. Thank you!

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      We have heard of solutions that allow the drone to be stored at the arrival port, which is then returned to you on departure from the same port. We are not familiar with any solutions when different ports are involved.
      Come back and let us know if you figured out a great solution. Best wishes

  18. Jehad Omar

    Hello ,
    I’m coming to Jordan on Tuesday I have a drone ( dji mini 2 )
    I don’t have the license or approval but I don’t want to enter it in Jordan , is there a way to keep it in a lock in the airport, and pay for it and get it back when I leave Jordan ???
    If yes how much does it cost


    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Declare your drone to the Jordanian authorities upon arrival. They will either approve it for you to take with you or will keep it for collection upon departure. You will have to depart from the same port/airport that you arrived.

      1. Sean


        Can you please advise how much this service is and is it a guaranteed service? I am flying to Jordan in 2 months whilst I’m travelling across the world and don’t want to risk having my drone confiscated.


        1. Merlin at Drone Laws

          Sean, there is typically no charge for these services. They should return your drone to you upon departure (make sure you get a receipt going in if they take your drone).

  19. luis pozo

    Hi, one question and sorry for my English.

    I will go to Jordan on October from Spain and I thought about carry a fpv drone, I thought I can carry it unmounted with the components in different parts of my luggage and later mount it in the hotel. If it possible or they check all luggages from tourists?

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      You would be violating Jordanian rules. We suggest you contact CARC and get approval prior to your visit.

  20. Mohamad YOUNIS

    I am Mohamad Younis, Palestinian with Israeli passport. I am planning a trip to Aqaba and Wadi Rum, and I wonder if I can bring with me my DJI mini 2 drone for cenamatic images.
    Can I cross the border with it.?
    Do I need to register it and have a license and insurance?
    Many thanks

    1. Merlin at Drone Laws

      Dear Mohamad,
      The CARC has published rules that pertain to Jordanian citizens, but not for foreign operators.
      If you bring a drone to Jordan without the appropriate approvals it will likely be confiscated.
      We recommend you follow the link above and contact CARC directly to get instructions.
      Best of luck, and let us know about your experience.

Leave a Reply to Mohamad YOUNIS Cancel reply

49 thoughts on “Drone Laws in Jordan”

  1. Hi, I’m thinking of buying a drone, which is more of a flying toy, for my children who are in Jordan. It looks like a remote-controlled plane, but instead of wings and a tail, it has propellers. Are these also prohibited? Do I have to register for a drone (toy) of this type even though it doesn’t even reach 20 meters in height? I appreciate any information.

    • We do not have any specific information about Remote Controlled Planes (RC) or toy drone exemptions. Please contact CARC directly for a precise answer


  3. Hello,

    I’m Andrea from Hungary, Europe.
    I’m traveling to Jordan in this month. I’d like to fly a drone and for permission I need a good insurance. Unfortunately my insurance valid only in Europe.
    Could you help me please?

    Thank you so much


  4. Hello,
    I’m traveling to Jordan in the end of January.
    I would like to insure my drone for my permisson because my insurance valid in EU.
    Could you be so kind to recommend an insurance company?
    Thank you so much

  5. Hey guys, I am flying to Jordan in a month and based on reading the instructions here I have messaged the Ministry of Interior and CARC to ask them how to register it. I got answer from both within a day. Here is the full message from CARC:
    Greetings ,

    kindly note that an approval need to be obtained from the Ministry of Interior prior to any other action taken by any entity to enable you to bring or fly a Drone in Jordan. Accordingly CARC will not be able to provide any assistance in this regard at the moment.

    The Jordanian Ministry of Interior website address is: ( .

    Also , Kindly find the requirements published on CARC’s official site: .

    noting that you shall submit your request to the Ministry of Interior.

    And the Ministry of Interior just sent me bunch of links. So I have registered to the system where you can register your applications. However, there is nothing as a “drone registration” I have searched for it and couldn’t find anything.

    Has anyone actually done it before and has more information than “you have to register with ministry” ?? How are you actually supposed to do the registration? I have messaged them back with the pdf from CARC asking how to properly register and no answer and I am worried it will stay like that since there is no info / registration about it online and from searching through different forums I haven’t found anyone who actually did it properly. Any tips please?



    • Hi Alice, how are you doing?

      Happy new year!

      I would love to know if you were able to get the approval from the CARC or the Jordanian Ministry of Interior.

      I am going to Jordan in the last week of February and I have already everything done to send over.

      Can you give me some update about your situation?

      Thank you very much



    • Hi Alice,

      I’d like to know if you got any answers and if you were able to take your drone to Jordan (in case you took it with you in the end).
      Thanks in advance!


  6. Hello!
    Interesting post! I’m planning a 10 days trip to Jordan from Spain on October and I usually bring my Mavic Air with me. I have no license or anything similar, but I always fly when there is no one near and out from important places (landscapes basically). How can I manage to bring in my drone in Jordan? Do they ask to have the permission before entering to the country?

    Thank you!

    • Marc, the regulator in Jordan requires all drones to be registered, and you will need permission to take the drone into Jordan. See above for more details, and check out the regulator website.

    • Hi Marc

      Could you please share how you got along with the Drone in Jordan? I too have a Mavic Air 2S and normally carry it every where I go following all the rules. I haven’t been able to contact Carc or submit the form as the website is not working at the time of writing.
      I am very skeptical about losing my drone there and not being thoroughly searched for it.

  7. Hello

    Im Mohammad. I have planned a holiday as a tourist in Jordan. I am in the process of applying for permission to take my drone with me. I therefore want to hear if it is a requirement to have liability insurance for a DJI MACVIC MINI which weighs 249 grams. In Denmark, Werge I come from, it’s not a requirement to have insurance for drones under 250 grams, and the liability insurance available only applies in Denmark.

    Can I still take my drone with me to Jordan?

    • Mohammad, the Jordanian regulations do not show an exemption for you drone. You will have to follow the rules specified to get approval, including proof of insurance.

      • Hello, i have the same drone (DJI MACVIC MINI which weighs 249 grams) and i will arrive in Jordan the last week of august. I have a liability insurance but i don’t have a specific patent because in italy it is not necessary for drone under 250 grams.
        Is it sufficient the log of the flights to prove my experience? I am using drone for two years?
        thankyou for the attention


        • Giorgio, flight logs are an acceptable means of proof of experience. However, the authorities are not always predictable, so keep that in mind.

  8. QUESTION regarding Regreational use of a small drone in the dessert (so the non-crowded areas)

    Hi all!

    I’m travelling to Jordan May 10th. Id like to bring my small DJA Spark drone by plane (with batteries in fire safe LiPo bag).

    What do I really need in order to
    – bring it by plane and
    – use the drone in areas like the dessert (during our camp tour)?

    Perhaps you have some advice! Do I really need training or certificates and so on?

    Thanks in advance:)

  9. Honestly, this seems like too much headache. Does anybody know a drone operator in Jordan that I can book for the day? That will just solve all my issues. Instead of trying to bring my drone into the country and possibly going to jail and creating an international incident.

  10. Hi

    My name is Carol, and im going to Jordan next Friday, i have a drone and i would like to ask where can i put my drone because i dont have insurance until now. I dont want somebody take out in the airport, so there is any option to pay and leave my drone 4 days in the airport and when i come back i pick it up? Because i go from Hungary to Jordan after from Jordan to Cyprus.

    Thank you your answer


    • Carol, we understand that as a courtesy to transit travelers, Jordan Customs will hold your drone at your arrival airport and you can pick it up when you are departing. You must declare that you are traveling with a drone and explain you are traveling to another country after your vacation in Jordan.
      Come back and tell us about your experience.
      Best wishes

    • Hi Carol,

      Please can you advise how you got with your travels, were you able to leave your drone at the airport?


  11. Hey,
    im a licensed drone pilot from Italy. I will be traveling to Jordan in a week from now on a very spontaneous trip. I’ve read about sending the application 10 days prior to arrival and I’m way past that already. Do you think there is a way to still get the approval to bring my drone? Which entity should I contact. I’ve just sent an Email to CARC.
    I am really late so im not that optimistic.
    What do you think?

    • Lukas, you did the right thing contacting CARC. Hopefully, they are responsive and get back to you in time. Let us know how that works out.

  12. I’m currently in the midst of the approval process for a trip from 11/4 to 11/20.

    You may be interested to know that the CARC is not the entity to start with. I am a recreational user, so I don’t know the coordinates, nor exact dates and times that I will want to fly my drone. I just want to get some aerial footage of our vacation. So, I emailed the CARC and was told that I first need to get approval from the Ministry of Interior.

    I emailed the MOI a week ago, and haven’t heard back yet. I have also emailed the Jordan Travel Board, and the Jordanian Embassy in DC in hopes of locating an actual person or department to contact.

    If you guys have any suggestions on what else to try, I’m all ears.

    • Kevin, thanks for sharing your experience thus far. The Jordanian authorities have not provided any clear path for foreign operators wishing to fly a drone in Jordan. Worse, the CARC website periodically goes offline (as I am writing it’s offline due to exceeding bandwidth).
      Responses from the Ministries can be slow, especially when there are no regulations in place for what you are requesting. Try messaging the MOI Facebook account to see if you get a response there.
      Please let us know how it works out so we can share it with others. Thanks

      • Yeah, I had the same experience with the CARC website. At the moment it is back up and running.

        The Tourist Board suggested contacting the Royal Film Commission (who I had already emailed once). So today, I sent second emails to MOI and the Film Commission. Per your suggestion, I also sent a message to the MOI’s Facebook account. I’m not particularly optimistic about that one though, since they haven’t posted since 2015. 😉

        I gotta tell ya – it is becoming pretty frustrating. I started this process nearly a month before our trip, and so far I’ve made zero headway. It is starting to dawn on me that I’m probably going to have to leave my drone at home. Which is a real problem.

        I’ll keep you posted.

        • Thanks, Kevin. The Jordanian customs are quite strict and without the proper authorization before arrival, we agree with leaving the drone at home, unfortunately. Keeping our fingers crossed that you do hear back from one of those Ministries.

        • Same experience unfortunately :-/ I had tried to write them, call them, write on Facebook. Nothing works. The only aswer I got is from CARC that I need to contact the ministry of interior.

          Nice to see the bureaucracy works exactly the same aroud the world….

  13. Hello, I don’t have any permit and I won’t arrive and leave from the same airport.. Is there a way to leave it somewhere? I’m going from and to a different country. Thank you!

    • We have heard of solutions that allow the drone to be stored at the arrival port, which is then returned to you on departure from the same port. We are not familiar with any solutions when different ports are involved.
      Come back and let us know if you figured out a great solution. Best wishes

  14. Hello ,
    I’m coming to Jordan on Tuesday I have a drone ( dji mini 2 )
    I don’t have the license or approval but I don’t want to enter it in Jordan , is there a way to keep it in a lock in the airport, and pay for it and get it back when I leave Jordan ???
    If yes how much does it cost


    • Jehad
      Declare your drone to the Jordanian authorities upon arrival. They will either approve it for you to take with you or will keep it for collection upon departure. You will have to depart from the same port/airport that you arrived.

      • Hi,

        Can you please advise how much this service is and is it a guaranteed service? I am flying to Jordan in 2 months whilst I’m travelling across the world and don’t want to risk having my drone confiscated.


        • Sean, there is typically no charge for these services. They should return your drone to you upon departure (make sure you get a receipt going in if they take your drone).

  15. Hi, one question and sorry for my English.

    I will go to Jordan on October from Spain and I thought about carry a fpv drone, I thought I can carry it unmounted with the components in different parts of my luggage and later mount it in the hotel. If it possible or they check all luggages from tourists?

    • Luis
      You would be violating Jordanian rules. We suggest you contact CARC and get approval prior to your visit.

  16. Hi
    I am Mohamad Younis, Palestinian with Israeli passport. I am planning a trip to Aqaba and Wadi Rum, and I wonder if I can bring with me my DJI mini 2 drone for cenamatic images.
    Can I cross the border with it.?
    Do I need to register it and have a license and insurance?
    Many thanks

    • Dear Mohamad,
      The CARC has published rules that pertain to Jordanian citizens, but not for foreign operators.
      If you bring a drone to Jordan without the appropriate approvals it will likely be confiscated.
      We recommend you follow the link above and contact CARC directly to get instructions.
      Best of luck, and let us know about your experience.


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