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The Open Category of Drones in Europe

The emergence of drones has opened up exciting possibilities, but with great innovation comes great responsibility. For recreational flyers and commercial operators alike, understanding Europe’s drone regulations is essential to staying safe and legal in the skies. One key component is the Open Category for the most common drone operations.

The ‘open’ category is the main reference for most leisure drone and low-risk commercial activities in European countries.

Subcategories of Open Category Drones

The ‘open’ category is, in turn, subdivided into three sub-categories – A1, A2, A3 — which may be summarised as follows:

  • A1: fly over people but not over assemblies of people
  • A2: fly close to people
  • A3: fly far from people

Each subcategory comes with its own set of requirements. Therefore, in the ‘open’ category, it is important to identify the subcategory of operation your activities will fall under to determine which rules apply to you and the training the remote pilot needs to undertake.

If you comply with the relevant requirements of the subcategories (A1, A2, and A3), no operational authorization is required before starting a flight.

If your drone operation cannot be conducted within the open category, you must use the ‘Specific Category‘ or ‘Certified Category.’

Conditions required to avoid authorization

The following conditions must be met:

  • The drone operator has to be registered.

EU residents: Please register in the EU member state of your main residence (or principal place of business), and contact the Aviation Authority in your member state for further details.

Non-EU residents: Please register in the EU member state where you intend to operate your drone first. If the first drone operation will take place in Austria, please register as an operator here.

  • All operated drones need sufficient insurance coverage.

Each country might have a different limit. For example, in Austria, you must ensure the coverage is at least 750,000 SDR, and your insurance is valid in Austria.

  • The drone pilot needs proof of competency.

Depending on the subcategory of your drone operation (see table below), you need a certificate for A1/A3 and additionally A2.

  • The drone must always be in a visual line of sight (VLOS).
  • The drone is flown at no more than 120 meters above ground level.
  • The drone must not carry any dangerous goods or drop any material.

Open Category Since January 1, 2024

Starting from January 1, 2024, operations in the open category must be conducted either with a drone bearing a C0, C1, C2, C3, or C4 class identification label or privately built or even without a class identification label, but only if placed on the market before December 31, 2023.

The markings look like this:

C0 Drone Class LabelC1 Drone Class LabelC2 Drone Class LabelC3 Drone Class LabelC4 Drone Class Label
easa drone c0 marking easa drone c1 marking easa drone c2 marking easa drone c3 marking easa drone c4 marking

If you are in the market, buy a drone with your desired marking. Choose one with the markings for the operations you will conduct.

For your benefit, here is a list of the currently available drones with class identification labels:

ClassCompanyTypeModel NameModel Numbers

easa drone c0 marking
DJIMulti-rotorDJI Mini 2 SE
DJI Mini 3, Mini 3 Pro, Mini 4 Pro Fly More Combo

easa drone c1 marking
DJIMulti-rotorAIR 3, DJI MAVIC 3 V2.0, Cine V2.0, ClassicEB3WBC , L2AA, L2PA, L2C
easa drone c2 marking AgEagleFixed-wingSENSEFLY eBeeSENSEFLY EBEE X, GEO,
easa drone c2 marking
easa drone c3 marking Quantum-SystemsFixed-wingTrinity F90+R10
easa drone c3 marking DJI Multi-rotor Matrice 350 RTKM350 RTK

Open Category From January 1, 2024

You will be able to operate them as described in the table below.

Be aware that ‘privately built’ means that you built the drone for your own personal use, so it was not purchased; it does not refer to UASs assembled from sets of parts placed on the market as a single, ready-to-assemble kit.

After 1 January 2024, if you have purchased a drone before that date without a class identification label, you will still be able to fly it in subcategory A1 if it weighs up to 250g or in subcategory A3 if it weighs up to 25kg.

Drone CategoryOperation SubcategoryOperational RestrictionsDrone Operator RegistrationRemote Pilot CompetenceRemote Pilot Minimum Age
Privately Built and Drones bought before 1/1/24 (under 250 g)A1 (fly over people, but not assemblies) – can also fly in Subcategory A3May fly over uninvolved people (should be avoided when possible)

No flight over assemblies of people
Not required unless a camera or sensor is on board and the drone is not a toyNo Training requiredNo minimum age
C0 (under 250 gram)A1 (fly over people, but not assemblies) – can also fly in Subcategory A3No flight expected over uninvolved people (if it happens, overflight should be minimized)

No flight over assemblies of people

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
Not required unless a camera or sensor is on board and the drone is not a toyNo flight expected over uninvolved people (if it happens, overflight should be minimized)

No flight over assemblies of people

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state). No minimum age if the drone is a toy
C1 (under 900 gram)A1 (fly over people, but not assemblies) – can also fly in Subcategory A3No flight expected over uninvolved people (if it happens, overflight should be minimised)

No flight over assemblies of people

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state
C2 (under 4 kg)A2 (fly close to people) – can also fly in Subcategory A3Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 30 m from uninvolved people (can be reduced to 5 m if the low-speed function is activated)

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ’Remote pilot certificate of competency’ for A2 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Having a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory 

Conducting and declare a practical self-training

Passing an additional theoretical exam at the NAA or proctored online
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
C3 (under 25 kg)A3 (fly far from people)Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 150 m from uninvolved people and urban areas

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level.
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for the A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
C4 (under 25 kg)A3 (fly far from people)Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 150 m from uninvolved people and urban areas.

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level.
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for the A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
Privately Built and Drones bought before 1/1/24 (under 25 kg)A3 (fly far from people)Must not overfly uninvolved people

Maintain a horizontal distance of 150 m from uninvolved people and urban areas.

Maintain flight altitude below 120m above ground level.
Yes. Drone Registration is requiredRead the user manual carefully

Obtain a ‘Proof of completion for online training’ for the A1/A3 ‘open’ subcategory by:

Completing the online training 

Passing the online theoretical exam
16 years (some states can lower it to 12, but this will only apply to that state)
Table of EASA Open Category Classification and Operational Requirements in place from January 1, 2024

From 1 January 2024, all drones operating in the specific category and all drones with class marks operating in the open category will be required to operate with an active and up-to-date remote identification system.

Drones with class identification label C1, C2, C3, C5 and C6 are already equipped with a remote identification system.

EASA Safe Drone Operations Video

EASA has created this simple video for amateur drone pilots to help you see how easy it is to become a safe and responsible drone pilot.


I have a DJI Drone under 250g. What rules apply to me?

DJI produces several drones (DJI Mini, DJI Mini 2 SE, DJI Mini 3, DJI Mini 3 Pro) below 250g. These drones have a camera and are not toys (meaning it does not comply with the toy directive). Therefore, the following actions have to be taken to comply with EASA Regulations:

  • You, as the drone operator/owner, must register with the Aviation Authority in the country in which you live.
  • Once registered, you will receive a ‘drone operator registration number’ that you must display with a sticker on all your drones, including those privately built. You must also upload it into the ‘Drone’s remote identification system’ If the drone has this function;
  • When operating the drone, always comply with the A1 sub-category requirements.

A remote pilot training certificate is unnecessary to operate a drone of this kind. However, conducting the A1/A3 online training is highly recommended. Moreover, most EASA Member States mandate third-party insurance. Please consult the national regulation for further information about the insurance for drones.

How do I know if the Open Category applies to my situation?

A drone can be operated in the “Open “category when it:

  • bears one of the  class identification labels 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4; or
  • It is privately built, and its weight is less than 25 kg or
  • It is purchased before 1 January 2023, with no  class identification label as above;
  • It will not be operated directly over people unless it bears a  class identification label or is lighter than 250 g. (Please refer to subcategories of operations: A1, A2, and A3 to find out where you can fly with your drone.);
  • Will be maintained in visual line of sight (VLOS), or the remote pilot will be assisted by a UA observer;
  • It is flown at a height of no more than 120 meters;
  • You will not carry any dangerous goods or drop any material.

I want to provide services with my drone. Can I do so in the Open Category?

You can operate your services, whether commercial or not, under the ‘open’ category if you meet all the requirements defined for the ‘open’ category.

I am a non-EU visitor who wants to fly in the Open Category. Do I need to register?

All drone operations conducted in the EASA Member States must comply with the Drone Regulations,  no matter what the nationality of the operator or remote pilot is. Therefore, as a non-EU resident, you must also register with the National Aviation Authority of the first EU country where you intend to operate.

You will then be issued a ‘drone operator registration number’ that needs to be displayed with a sticker on all your drones. You must also upload it into the ‘remote identification system’ of your drone(s). 

Once registered in the host country, the drone operator’s registration will be valid across Europe, and the operator will be required to follow all the provisions of the Drone Regulation.

If you intend to operate in the ’specific’ category, you must submit a declaration for a standard scenario or apply for operational authorization to the National Aviation Authority of the EU Member State(s) where you registered. 

If you want to conduct operations in a Member State different from the one where you registered, you need to follow the same procedure as all other national citizens of the Member State where you registered.

Where do EASA rules apply?

The European Commission and the EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) European regulation apply to 31 countries. EASA Member states are the 27 European Union Countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

On the following country pages, you will find links to the National Civil Aviation Authority, the online drone licence site, drone registration links, sites for operational authorisation, locations to check for controlled airspace, no-fly zones, etc. 

NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.

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Click here to read our Comprehensive Guide For Traveling With A Drone.


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2 responses to “The Open Category of Drones in Europe”

  1. cantin jean-paul

    Très bonne lecture sur l’utilisation des drones de façon responsable et sécuritaire.

    1. Editorial Team

      Thank you and best wishes on your drone flying

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