Summary of Drone Laws in Kuwait
Hobbyist Drone Laws For Residents of Kuwait
Drone Operations in Kuwait are currently regulated.
- Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in Kuwait with permits
- Hobbyist Kuwait drone pilot license is required for advanced operations
- Hobbyist Drone registration/permit is required in Kuwait for hobbyists
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Kuwait for hobbyists
- Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for hobbyists’ drone operations in Kuwait
Read below for more details on Hobbyist Drone Laws in Kuwait and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Commercial Drone Laws For Residents of Kuwait
Drone Operations in Kuwait are currently regulated.
- Commercial drone flights are allowed in Kuwait with permits
- Commercial Kuwait drone pilot license is required
- Commercial Drone registration/permit is required in Kuwait for commercial drone operators
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Kuwait for Commercial Drone Operators
- Drone Insurance is not required for commercial drone operations in Kuwait
Read below for more details on Commercial Drone Laws in Kuwait and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Drone Laws For Visitors To Kuwait
Drone Operations in Kuwait are currently regulated.
- Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in Kuwait with permits
- Foreign visitor drone pilot license is not required
- Drone registration is required/permit in Kuwait for visitors/tourists
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Kuwait for tourists
- Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in Kuwait
Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Kuwait for Visitors (Tourists) and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Drone Laws For Government Drone Operators in Kuwait
Drone Operations in Kuwait are currently regulated.
- Government drone flights are allowed in Kuwait
- Government drone pilot license is required
- Drone registration is required in Kuwait for Government operations
- Drone Remote ID is not required in Kuwait for Government operations
- Drone Insurance is not required for Government drone operations in Kuwait
Read below for more details on Drone Laws in Kuwait for Government Drone Operations and to find links to regulators and other credible sources!
Agencies Responsible for regulating drones in the State of Kuwait
Drone Regulator in Kuwait: Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Drone Section
Link to Kuwait Drone Laws: Kuwait Drone Laws
UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Kuwait
The Kuwait agency responsible for drone safety, DGCA, has provided several details on flying for fun or work. The highlights are enumerated below. For more details, go to the link above.
Are drones allowed in Kuwait?
According to DGCA, drone use is allowed in Kuwait, subject to strict DGCA regulations. Read on for more details.
Drones are classified in Kuwait according to their weight and intended use. Separate regulations have been enacted for each category.
UAV flights are permitted in Kuwait only during fair weather, during the day, and within visual line of sight.
The maximum distance between the drone and the pilot varies according to category; these values are listed in the table below.
The following safety distances to people and objects apply:
- Category A1 and A2: 120 meters
- Category A3, B1, and B2: 50 meters
- Category C: 100 meters

How to register a drone in Kuwait?
The operator of a UAS/Drone in categories (A2), (A3), (B1), (B2), and (C) shall register with the Kuwait DGCA or with a service provider designated by Kuwait DGCA and display registration or membership marks on all the UAS/Drone they operate.
- The registration process starts with an application to Kuwait DGCA through the Kuwait DGCA web Site.
- Form no. xxx1 shall be filled by category (A3) operator and stamped by the relevant Insurance Organization.
- Form no. xxx2 shall be filled by category (B) operator and stamped by the relevant Insurance Organization.
- Form no. xxx3 shall be filled by category (C) operator and stamped by the relevant Insurance Organization.
- Insurance Policy
- The Insurance Organization will maintain records of all registered UAS/Drones.
- For the advanced sports activity category (A3), the operator shall submit to Kuwait DGCA proof of registration with an approved flying club or equivalent.
- All operation categories shall apply for a UOC except for Recreational operator categories (A1) and (A2).
How to apply for a UAS Operator Certificate (UOC) in Kuwait?
To apply for an initial UOC, you must provide Kuwait DGCA with documentation demonstrating how you will comply with the requirements established in this Regulation. This documentation should include a procedure describing how changes not requiring prior approval will be managed and notified to Kuwait DGCA. In addition, the operator must provide the following information to the DGCA:
- The official name, business name, address, and mailing address of the applicant.
- The trade license or equivalent evidence of establishment.
- A description of the proposed operation, including the type(s) and number of UAS to be operated.
- A description of the management system, including organizational structure.
- The name of the Accountable Manager along with their qualifications.
- A copy of the Operations Manual is required by item 8.
- A statement that all the documentation sent to Kuwait DGCA has been verified by the applicant and found in compliance with the applicable requirements.
- Security clearance for the organization (From MOI).
- Registration/Insurance certificate covering all operations.
- Evidence of qualification of all UAS Operating Crews.
- Declaration of compliance.
Special Approvals
An operator may be granted Special Approval by Kuwait DGCA for the following operations after a demonstration of its capabilities to ensure safe operations:
- To conduct night VMC operations within VLOS.
- To conduct flights with Altitudes above their respective categories.
- To operate a UAS:
- with a maximum take-off mass of more than their respective categories; or
- equipped with novel technology.
- To conduct operations over:
- congested or populated area
- restricted area or controlled airspace; or
- segregated airspace.
- To conduct flights beyond VLOS or their respective categories horizontal distance from the UAS Operating Crew Member or launching site, whichever is greater.
- To conduct flights with less than 50 m from a person and a fixed or mobile object.
Here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Kuwait
At a minimum, the following limitations shall apply to any operation undertaken by an operator unless otherwise authorized by the Competent Authority:
- Flights shall be limited to daytime.
- Operations shall be limited to Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) conditions.
- Drones should be limited to visible line of sight (VLOS) operations.
- Operations shall be limited to the height above the ground as per their respective categories.
- Flights shall be limited to a maximum horizontal distance of 150m from the UAS Operating Crew Member or launching site, whichever is greater.
- Operations shall be limited to UAS with a maximum take-off mass per their respective categories.
- Operations in areas authorized by Kuwait DGCA; and
- Any other conditions imposed for the interest of safety or liability by any other agencies.
Penalties for illegal drone use in Kuwait
Drones can be flown in Kuwait if permission is obtained from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. However, you are not allowed to fly them over private property. Offenders face up to three years in prison or a $9,800 fine.
Notes for Foreign Operators
Foreign drone pilots can also obtain a permit, but aerial images require the DGCA/Ministry of Interior’s security approval first.
Import of a drone into Kuwait is prohibited without proper approval.
Kuwait City Airport is infamous for its bag checks to enforce such injunctions. In addition, authorities can seize your drone if they discover it in your luggage without import approval.
Notes for recreational drone pilots flying for fun in Kuwait
Kuwait’s drone laws make no distinction between recreational and commercial drones, and both are effectively prohibited for security reasons.
In Kuwait, both recreational and commercial drone use requires a permit.
See the general rules above.
Notes for operating Commercial Drone Services in Kuwait
Kuwait’s drone laws make no distinction between recreational and commercial drones, and both are effectively prohibited for security reasons.
In Kuwait, both recreational and commercial drone use requires a permit.
See the general rules above.
Useful published information on flying drones in Kuwait
Here is a sample of what you might expect if you follow the drone laws and fly in Kuwait…
Authoritative Sources of Information on Kuwait Drone Laws
We will attempt to keep an updated list of online authoritative links to regulators and other official websites here:
- Drone Regulator Website: Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Drone Section
- Link To SUAS Laws: Kuwait Drone Laws
- No Fly Zone Maps/Locations: N/A
- UAV Registration Site: N/A
- Drone Operator Licensing Site: N/A
- Others: N/A
NOTE: This page is about the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS), Small UAS, Remote Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), and drone are interchangeable terms unless specified. Model Aircraft, toy, remote-controlled, and RC aircraft may be covered by the same regulations unless specified.
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